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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 17, 2012
Hi all,
I have a Macbook Pro 13 2009 which for years has awoken when a Wake on Lan packet is sent.
My Logitech Squeezebox has had no problem in waking it. ditto Mocha VNC.


The 10.11.4 update has broken it.

It is connected via ethernet. Have checked all settings. IP address is static and reserved by Airport Time capsule.
I have
- turned off feature and rebooted.
- turned back on.
- checked pmset -g and it is set to 1
- erased the power management.plist file.
- rebooted network and computer multiple times.
- PRAM reset.
SMC reset

I have run out of ideas. Just really annoying.

thanks in advance
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