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XP Defector

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 5, 2006
panic(cpu 1 caller 0x001A3135): Unresolved kernel trap (CPU 1, Type 14=page fault), registers:
CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x00000000, CR3: 0x00dbd000, CR4: 0x000006e0
EAX: 0x033b9100, EBX: 0x00000001, ECX: 0x020cb340, EDX: 0x03360600
CR2: 0x00000000, EBP: 0x0b763f28, ESI: 0x00000007, EDI: 0x029d6d00
EFL: 0x00010206, EIP: 0x00000000, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x02500010

Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0xb763d58 : 0x128d1f (0x3c9540 0xb763d7c 0x131df4 0x0)
0xb763d98 : 0x1a3135 (0x3cf1f4 0x1 0xe 0x3cea24)
0xb763ea8 : 0x19a8d4 (0xb763eb4 0xe 0x2500048 0x1010010)
0xb763f28 : 0x5245c8 (0x29d6d00 0xb763f74 0xb763f58 0x3bb77e)
0xb763f58 : 0x524651 (0x29d6d00 0x0 0xb763f78 0x19d23a)
0xb763f78 : 0x13d7d2 (0x29d6d00 0x0 0x19d23a 0x235086c)
0xb763fc8 : 0x19a74c (0x0 0x0 0x19d0b5 0x2350828) Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x0
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.1: Mon Sep 25 19:42:00 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.13.8.obj~1/RELEASE_I386

Model: MacBook1,1, BootROM MB11.0061.B03, 2 processors, Intel Core Duo, 2 GHz, 512 MB
Graphics: Intel GMA 950, GMA 950, Built-In, spdisplays_integrated_vram
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 256 MB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM1, 256 MB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x168C, 0x86), 0.1.27
Bluetooth: Version 1.7.9f12, 2 service, 0 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
Serial ATA Device: ST96812AS, 55.89 GB
Parallel ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R UJ-857
USB Device: Built-in iSight, Micron, Up to 480 Mb/sec, 500 mA
USB Device: Audiophile USB (tm), M-Audio, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA
USB Device: Bluetooth HCI, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, Apple Computer, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA
USB Device: IR Receiver, Apple Computer, Inc., Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA

???? :confused:


macrumors 68020
Jun 14, 2003
Ah yes, that seems to be a kernel panic, correct? You're lucky, sometimes I don't even get a warning. I put my PB to sleep and then when I open it back up it's shut off. Sometimes the fans still run and there's no response, others it's completely turned off.


macrumors 6502
Oct 18, 2004
Orlando, FL
That is the Mac OS X version of a Windows crash.

In the last 5 years of using OS X daily, I've seen it twice.

Unless there is a hardware issue with your computer, you likely will not see one again for a good long while, unless 10.5 introduces new issues.

Sorry about any lost work though!


macrumors 603
Jan 10, 2006
Its VERY rare you will see this. I have only seen it twice in 3 years and I have 2 Macs.

If it keeps happening though it means something quite serious is wrong.


macrumors G3
Aug 30, 2003

The crash dump is pointing its finger in the general direction of USB. Of the listed USB devices, the M-Audio box looks interesting (only because it's the only third-party device in the list, it may be perfectly innocent though).

You can check for broken or loose cables for now. Hang on to that crash log, if it happens again it might be helpful to establish a pattern.

XP Defector

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 5, 2006
It occurred straight after I switched the device on, so I suppose maybe that's it. Hasn't happened before this and now it appears to be working fine. I'm running the latest Intel drivers for my soundcard.

I think this is my third time I've experienced a OS X shutoff since I bought my MacBook in August. I just ignored the others though and cannot remember what triggered them.


macrumors 65816
Jan 17, 2006
New York City
ahh these frighten me! I've been using my iMac for 1.5 years, with nothing like this happenign...

do these happen spontaneously ever? Is faulty 3rd party RAM usually the cause?


macrumors G3
Aug 30, 2003
It occurred straight after I switched the device on, so I suppose maybe that's it. Hasn't happened before this and now it appears to be working fine. I'm running the latest Intel drivers for my soundcard.
Yuck. There was a problem with this device's drivers a couple years ago, but a later update fixed it. It would be a good idea to report the crash to M-Audio, so that they know to be on the lookout for regressions in the Intel port.

XP Defector

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 5, 2006
Thanks for the responses. I've heard there has been problems with M-Audio drivers and OSX before.
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