amphibious said:
I can't stand OSX, but I need to be working on a major platform (Windows or MacOS) for a project and I'm really not inclined to go with a Windows computer. Since OSX is based on BSD, do any of the BSD window managers work on OSX? I'd much rather use IceWM or KDE... is this a possibility?
yes you can. occasionally i boot into darwin only and run x. if you want to try this out you need to edit the the "/etc/ttys" file as follows (basically, comment out the second console line and uncomment the first console line):
# @(#)ttys 5.2 (Berkeley) 6/10/93
# name getty type status comments
# If the console is marked insecure, single-user requires
# the root password.
console "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" vt100 on secure
#console /System/Library/CoreServices/"
then login, and type 'startx' if you have x installed.