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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 22, 2001
Here is a list of software not yet available on OSX:

Norton Software (Propper Installable version)

..The List goes on

There are many major apps not here yet? When will we see them?
i am very disappointed in macromedia's support ot osx. yes they came out with one of the first osx apps, freehand, but where is the support for it. i am just about ready to make the switch over to all adobe stuff. live motion2 looks like it kicks flash's ass... the only down side to it would be that macromedia has control over the flash plug-in and could go and change some of the scripting language. as for the other macromedia stuff, the one that hurts the most is not having shockwave for osx....

so what is up with macromdiea??? they seem more interested in putting flash into pc's and developing cold fusion.

the other big one is quark. and from what i saw of adobe's demo on inDesign2... well forget quark. quark sucks. it takes them years to come out with updates. and when the updates finally come out it seems that they always have bugs or a new os has been developed. quark sucks.. it always has and yet i have been using it for 10 years.... anyone else having the same feelings?
Photoshop 7.0 is quite stable at this point. It has not crashed on me yet. As of beta 43 the app is a bit slow though, but on a G4, well, then nothing is slow...
What suprised me the most about this beta, is that all important functions of the app seems to be there already. Color correction, layers, levels, paths, curves, variations, masks, filters. And of course, the aqua interface. Quite nice (but Adobe should add an option to turn off drop shadow on the toolbars...). The new file browser is also quite handy. Much better than the open file dialog.
What really makes this a beta, and not a retail version are mainly three things: Speed, few added features (as of now, it's pretty much a carbonized 6.0 version, with a couple of new features), and the butt ugly icon...

Adobe is doing a great job with this app. IT IS going to rock!

PS! Just ask if you want some screen shots. I guess I'll find your e-mail address in your profile?
OK, I forgot something...
Photoshop 7 seems to have great AppleScript support, better than 6. I have not tried this that much though... but Photoshop have an Automate option which for me seems improved...
Cheers for the inforamtion! I have seen a few screenshots in the past but was not sure how much of a beta it actually was. It sounds like its almost ready to go!
I got the Photoshop beta and its super stable
yet to see a crash but I havent got to sit down and fell the power
to Zim

As far as I have seen, LiveMotion does NOT kick Flash's ass and I'm sure that it will never kick it's ass. I am very interested to see the new version of LiveMotion to see what is included as far as scripting goes. Flash's strongest feature is the actionscripting and right now LiveMotion doesn't have that.
OS X Software Not available

Yahoo! are the only mob that haven't released an IM client for OS X yet. Everyone else has - MS, AOL, Jabber, ICQ...

Also where's RealPlayer for OS X?
Re: OS X Software Not available

Originally posted by Unregistered
Yahoo! are the only mob that haven't released an IM client for OS X yet. Everyone else has - MS, AOL, Jabber, ICQ...

Also where's RealPlayer for OS X?

I, for one, have vowed never to use a IM service's own program again for communication on that system. Instead, 3rd-party developers are developing some really hot freeware apps that rock this world. For AOL alone, I use Adium. However, if I need all 5 (Yahoo/MS/AOL/Jabber/ICQ) then I use Fire, which is also cool. Both are constantly under development, but I have to say Adium is the most unbelievably incredible free app in existance; it puts all others to shame in terms of speed and options, and the developer (under 18, I believe) is really open to suggestions and feedback. Give it a try, and, if you're like me, you'll never look back.
umax sux

ok, I can hook you up with the photoshop beta (hehe rulez). What really makes me mad is umax has not put out support for mac os x when afga who got out of the scanner business put up support for os x.
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