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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 7, 2016
My trusty joystick/gamepad debugging tool, "Joystick Show" by Chibata, is 32 bit; I'm getting warnings now from OSX that this app may stop working soon as Apple deprecates 32 bit exes.

I've been googling like mad and I cannot find an alternative! There are plenty of "mappers" out there that will map a game controller button to any key or other event of your choice. There are "calibrators" out there that will verify button presses and show you the range of travel for axes. But what I want is Joystick Show, which shows me in real time the values being sent from buttons and joystick axes. Since I'm working on custom USB controllers this is pretty important!

If anyone knows of a 64 bit clean alternative to Joystick Show, I could really do with a pointer to one!


PS (more hours of googling later) -- the only approx equivalent I have found so far is "HTML 5 Gamepad Tester" -- a client-side web app that seems to do a pretty good (though not graphical) job of monitoring real-time inputs from USB game controllers. I discover with some annoyance that this joystick/gamepad testing function is built into Windows! why is it so hard to find for OSX?
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