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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 24, 2017
Help, everyone! I have a locked drive in recovery mode. I have incorrectly tried to refresh/delete all personal data from computer. No backup. I have tried to use the disk utility and reinstall OS X, but responds with disk is locked. I will donate $$ to my fix.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
It would help if you told us which Mac you have and what year it was made.
Also, is it a platter-based hard drive or an SSD?

You probably need to "boot externally" (that means from an external hard drive or USB flashdrive installer), and try to re-initialize the internal hard drive that way.

I'm wondering if the reason the hard drive "locked" is due to a drive failure. I seem to recall that (if it's an SSD) it can "fail into read-only mode". You can read from the drive, but can't write to it.

Again, what Mac and what kind of drive?
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