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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 23, 2004
Dallas, TX
In iChat and the Address book there is an option to add more and more screen names to any one person and several of my friends have multiple AIM names. I have tried to put all the AIM names under their one address book names and they wont even show up at all. I guess my question is for anyone who can answer it is, how do you keep your friends with multiple AIM names into one name on your iChat buddy list?
you use separate address book entries for them. You cant add them all to one, because if one of the screen names is offline, the others wont show up either.
Maybe I'm confused but i think you can do what your asking ...

So you want to take a friend say "dan" and his screenames user01, and user02 and user03. And whenever he signs on one of these you want it to say Dan in your ichat buddy list. Well yes that is possible. All you do is add another name to that entry in the address book by clicking the plus sign and designating it as an aim name. You can also associate multiple email addy's this way ... i hope this solves your problem or i have no idea what your asking
Originally posted by Kwyjibo
Maybe I'm confused but i think you can do what your asking ...

So you want to take a friend say "dan" and his screenames user01, and user02 and user03. And whenever he signs on one of these you want it to say Dan in your ichat buddy list. Well yes that is possible. All you do is add another name to that entry in the address book by clicking the plus sign and designating it as an aim name. You can also associate multiple email addy's this way ... i hope this solves your problem or i have no idea what your asking
thing is if you do that, and lets say user01 is offline but user02 and user03 are online, they wont show up because user01 is offline. All of the screen names associated with someone has to be online for them to show up as being online.
Yea everyone has answered my question I think they should show the name "Dan" and when you double click his name let you use which ever one you would want to. But i would much rather have Apple optimize Panther, or work on the G5 Powerbook. Which i have a feeling will come out in the summer at WWDC
Originally posted by übergeek
thing is if you do that, and lets say user01 is offline but user02 and user03 are online, they wont show up because user01 is offline. All of the screen names associated with someone has to be online for them to show up as being online.

actually i don't have this problem at all. I just asked one of my friends who goes on a new SN to go back on his old one and turn turn off the new one. To use my terms he current uses User02 and used to use User01. well it doesn't mater which one is online either one will show up as his entry even if it is signed on by itself they are independant.
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