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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 19, 2010
I went to Beast Buy to see if any of the Apple vapor! cases were in stock (I knew there'd be no iPads) and looked over to the display table, and there were just those 4 little circular acrylic stands, but no iPads in sight. No more demos!

Apparently some applecrazy person cut the security cord on one and carried it out the store, forgetting to go by the check out lines!. BB guy said the alarms didn't go off. Good to know I guess, but now they removed all the demo models.
So, not only are they never in stock, now you can't even see one.
I would have at least taken the cool little acrylic display stand too. Oh well.
I went to Beast Buy to see if any of the Apple vapor! cases were in stock (I knew there'd be no iPads) and looked over to the display table, and there were just those 4 little circular acrylic stands, but no iPads in sight. No more demos!

Apparently some applecrazy person cut the security cord on one and carried it out the store, forgetting to go by the check out lines!. BB guy said the alarms didn't go off. Good to know I guess, but now they removed all the demo models.
So, not only are they never in stock, now you can't even see one.
I would have at least taken the cool little acrylic display stand too. Oh well.

Beast Buy don't sell iPads. There's your problem.
yea, I saw that before. this was today. I'd love to have a 'Display' labeled one tho.

also to the guy from Ireland, as far as Beast buy- not no more, they don't. It's a US store (Best Buy, dear). sorry, it's US in-joke. many BB's carry all the Apple items in the US.

local craigslist does have a mint 64gb 3G for only $1350. no tax too.
also to the guy from Ireland, as far as Beast buy- not no more, they don't. It's a US store (Best Buy, dear). sorry, it's US in-joke. many BB's carry all the Apple items in the US.

Best Buy is an international brand.
Apparently some applecrazy person cut the security cord on one and carried it out the store, forgetting to go by the check out lines!.

I wonder if they got Apple to push the Mobile Me self destruct button. And lets call the guy what he was... a thief. He wasn't "applecrazy" he was moneyhungry.
Best Buy is an international brand.

sorry, not following you.
again, many of the USA Best Buy stores carry all the Apple items. I've seen them in person, (until they get swiped).

I just wonder why their store security setup didn't work.
I wrote "Beast Buy". I was unaware that this was an intended joke.

sorry, not following you.
again, many of the USA Best Buy stores carry all the Apple items. I've seen them in person, (until they get swiped)..

You said Best Buy was a US store. Best Buy have stores outside the US.
how the hell do you sneak a ipad out of best buy? its a foot big and has a wire attached. plus vid cameras? and if he had a mask on wouldn't he stick out more?
how the hell do you sneak a ipad out of best buy? its a foot big and has a wire attached. plus vid cameras? and if he had a mask on wouldn't he stick out more?
And all of my local BB's have a big friendly dude at a kiosk at the front saying "Welcome To Best Buy"!:rolleyes:
Best Buy has on average 50 flat screen televisions stolen each and every day. Hundreds of DVD's go out the door weekly. According to internal securty documents, pilfering costs the company several million dollars every year.

It is not hard to remove almost anything you want from best buy. The dude at the door is instructed to NOT interfere or chase a thief. They call the police. People carry printers, laptops, flat panels and yes ipads out the door on a daily basis. According to BB's internal documents, only about 20% of the stuff that goes out the door is detected by the dude. 80% drive away unscathed.

If you walk around the store near closing time you can find opened blu-ray and dvd cases scattered throughout the store. It takes a competent thief under 5 seconds to slice a disk free from its case.
How does this happen? You mean to tell me they annoy legal purchasing customers by asking for a receipt, but do nothing to thiefs.

Wow, what a country. A thief can walk out easier from Best Buy than a legal purchasing consumer.
How does this happen? You mean to tell me they annoy legal purchasing customers by asking for a receipt, but do nothing to thiefs.

Wow, what a country. A thief can walk out easier from Best Buy than a legal purchasing consumer.

As a legal purchasing customer, I've never had a problem walking out of a BB. I have been asked to show a receipt, sure, but then again, I don't try to conceal my purchase either. I suppose if I did I wouldn't be asked for a receipt. Why? Because BB doesn't want to get sued and unless they have proof they cannot accuse you.
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