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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Jul 11, 2003
I usually access my corporate network from a Toshiba laptop through our VPN. I will be going on a short business trip and would prefer to take my iBook and not that damn 8 lb. Toshiba monster.

Can't access Outlook Web Access through Safari or IE. Tried the debug menu in Safari and set user agent to Win IE 6.0.

Any suggestions??
I just accessed my company's OWA, and it worked correctly using IE 5.2.2, on OS X 10.2.8.

I've never tried to VPN in from my PB, though. Is your company's OWA available from the general internet?
I use my company's OWA all the time when on trips - no problem. Can you get any help from the Administrator?

Alum 15" - 80gig HD - 1 gig RAM - Super drive - Panther
jalagl said:
I just accessed my company's OWA, and it worked correctly using IE 5.2.2, on OS X 10.2.8.

I've never tried to VPN in from my PB, though. Is your company's OWA available from the general internet?

Yes, that's how I'm trying to access it with my iBook.

Sigh, looks like a fruitless discussion with the techs on Monday who know nothing about Macs.
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