I am trying to output the results from my script for transparency reasons so the end user sees what has run successfully. I know im suppressing errors in my script but could I still output and if so could I output the commands that did go through without error? Below is a small portion of the script but I do want to add a 'Results' button to click on to open maybe a text file.
I am trying to output the results from my script for transparency reasons so the end user sees what has run successfully. I know im suppressing errors in my script but could I still output and if so could I output the commands that did go through without error? Below is a small portion of the script but I do want to add a 'Results' button to click on to open maybe a text file.
do shell script "security delete-certificate -c -t XXXXXXXXX.com > /dev/null 2>&1 &" with administrator privileges
do shell script "security delete-certificate -c -t xxxxxxxxx.com > /dev/null 2>&1 &" with administrator privileges
do shell script "while security delete-generic-password -l Wired 802.1X >/dev/null
do true; done" with administrator privileges
do shell script "rm -rf ~/.Trash/*" with administrator privileges #Empties Trash Bin
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "Script has completed successfully!" buttons {"Restart", "Results", "Cancel"} default button "Cancel" with icon caution
if button returned of result is "Restart" then
tell application "Finder"
end tell
end if
end tell
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