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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 26, 2008
Ok so up until today i did not know you could over clock your Mac but now i know u can i would like to try on my iMac (see signature [its a pre 3.06 iMac]).

Can anyone offer any advice / experiences with me.

Basically can you give me pros / cons and if you think i should do it
And if u think i should do it tell me the best way

What gave you the idea that you could overclock your iMac? As of right now the only Mac tat can be overclocked is the Mac Pro.
well overclocking your computer makes it even hotter…and the current iMacs are already hot…so…
your mac is already clocked at 2.8Ghz why the heck do you even need to overclock's not like your trying to cure cancer! If it's for gaming, a new GPU is what you want, because overclocking isn't going to produce any better results as long as you have that GPU. The only reason i would overclock that imac is if i was doing some heavy 3D which case I would have bought a Mac Pro.
some guy in another form said you could "over clock to 3.06Ghz cuz thats all apple did" so i wanted to try it out.

I though you couldn't over clock a mac.

I had a PC that was over clocked at 15% so i wanted to try 10% on the mac but i guess not.

Although if anyone could tell my how to do it on a Mac Pro that would be great as i am getting one soon
some guy in another form said you could "over clock to 3.06Ghz cuz thats all apple did" so i wanted to try it out.

I though you couldn't over clock a mac.

I had a PC that was over clocked at 15% so i wanted to try 10% on the mac but i guess not.

Although if anyone could tell my how to do it on a Mac Pro that would be great as i am getting one soon

NO it is impossible to overclock an for the mac pro, there is alegendly a program that can do so...there was an article on it a few weeks ago, just run a search on it.
People overclock the video cards on their MBP's, so it's likely possible on the imacs too. That'd probably be more worth your while, performance-wise. Although personally, I'd never play around of an irreplaceable component of a 1500-2000 computer.
1) Why the heel do you need more speed then that!?

2) If you need more power then that, why didn't you get a MacPro, they're only $200 more you know.

3) Do you like the smell of burnt coffee/burning silicon? Because you better if you want to try to overclock an iMac!

1) Why the heel do you need more speed then that!?

2) If you need more power then that, why didn't you get a MacPro, they're only $200 more you know.

3) Do you like the smell of burnt coffee/burning silicon? Because you better if you want to try to overclock an iMac!


lol yeah

i thought as much
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