Hi. I'm having an issue with my portfolio site. I created a site a year or so ago as a final assignment in a web design class, but I now continue to use it as a way to show people my work. Originally I used CSS and div tags to create the majority of the site, but I was having an issue with my footer. I assigned a footer by making it a background image with the instruction to allows position at the bottom of the page. Everything was great until a friend told me that my footer was overlapping my thumbnails on the screen of his small macbook. So I went back to the drawing board and recreated the site, using mostly tables and importing slices. So now it looks like a static design with a gray background. I think I would prefer the more fluid CSS design; a full brown background with a footer that adjusts to the screen size. Is there a way I could do this without the footer overlapping the thumbnails or other elements on smaller screens? Thanks in advance for any advice. I apologize if my explanation seems confused or long winded. I'll try to attach a pic of my site so hopefully it makes more sense.