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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 1, 2010
SF Bay Area
Today when I opened PadNotes, a message popped up saying that the Dev had tried to push a major update through only to have it rejected by Apple because the app has the word "Pad" in it, even though his original submission was accepted.

I am really looking forward to the update, as it will hopefully greatly improve the app, which I use everyday to annotate PDFs and take notes in class. I hope the problems are resolved soon. Anyone else have any more info?
No news but saw the same note. Thought it interesting they were able to push that note through.
Aren't apps with i in front of their names ex. iannotate infringing on some apple patent. If that's why it was rejected then that is stupid. If we were all forced to use the basic notepad that came with our OS over one with more features I am sure no one would use the OS, although it makes for nice HTML editing.
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