Unrevised OCR Result after cropping the edges:
i As they drank he told them of his trip to Santa Fe, the dust, the Co-
manche, the good times along the road, the great money to be made in
western trade. But Im for O1·egon, he said brightly. Catch a ship home
` and write my book, Travels in the Great West, with slaughter on every
page. How do you speH your names?
, He was an exhausting young man, two years older than Levi but a
whole world brighter. When he inspected the gear Levi had assembled
for the trip west, he was shocked. Youve overlooked the one thing you
need most, he said.
A.~-L..- -»-¤i
ruiuuici gill]!
Fie on guns. Everyone carries too many. But the hat. The hat! He
said that the one thing the traveler needed was a broad-brimmed hat so
wide that the sun could not reach his lips. You walk on those prairies for
five months, with the sun beating down every dav, and vour lips burn
right ott. Madame, you simply must get yourself two stinbonnets, be-
cause if you lose one and allow the sun to strike those beautiful lips . . ."
His manner irritated Levi, because he well knew that Ellys lips were
not beautiful. In fact, there was little about his wife that anyone in his
right mind could call beautiful, and he was perplexed by Seccombes
obvious insincerity. However, the man did appreciate horses, and recog-
nized that the grays were superior. Hold out, Zendt, he counseled. In
this town you can get four hundred apiece for that group. But I would
sell the Conestoga, if anyone makes an offer. Too heavv.
Seccombe was captivated by Levis Melchior Fordncy rifle, and ar-
ranged a test-firing with Captain Mercy and Sergeant Lykes. The men
set up targets and tired each others rides. Mercy had an expensive Bos-
ton weapon, Lykes a standard issue from the Harpers Ferrv arsenal,
and Seccombe a good English gun; but all agreed that Zendts Lancaster
rifle was the easiest handling of the lot. When you decide to sell it, Im
your man, Seccombe said, balancing the beautiful weapon.
Im keeping it, Levi said.
On the plains youll find your Hawken to be the better riHe, Captain
Mercy said. I carry two of them}
Hes right, Seccombe agreed. On the Santa Fe trip I used my Eng-
lish gun for antelope, my Hawken for trouble. Youll do the same}
From his previous stay in Independence, Oliver Seccombe knew
everyone and helped the Zendts purchase their last-minute needs; baking
powder, the extra lead for bullets, the dried beef. Youll get damned
tired of bacon, he predicted. And when all was in readiness he took
them aside and said, Ive studied you two. Youre Hne people. Why dont
we make it a team to Oregon?
Well need more, Levi said, so they approached Captain Mercy.
Wed like to join up with you and Lykes, if we may} Seccombe said.
Id be honored, Mercy said. But Im not going all the way to Oregon}
You could help us get started right, Seccombe said, and at Black-