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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 29, 2021
I have a 12 year old MacBook Pro that worked as good as new. I wanted to give it to my son and in the process I managed to erase my hard drive completely. After many, many attempts I managed to restore El Capitan and thought I was home free. It turned out that my 32 bit Microsoft Office 2011 and Apple Pages & Numbers are gone. Apple & Microsoft no longer support these programs and from them they are no longer available. Can anyone send me a link to or actual copy of Pages and Numbers that work with El Capitan? I and my son would be so appreciative.
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I didn't dig deeply into the versions available, but take a look at this page for older iWork versions. I'm unsure whether these are updates only but it's worth a look.

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Those are all updates, requiring original program which I don't have and need. Thanks for trying
You might want to look into open source software options like Apache Open Office or Libreoffice.
You could also consider using a browser for Google Workspace (needs a free Google account) or the online version of Microsoft Office (needs a free account).
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