macintaz said:
There 2 ways that I have done this
1. is my fav. that is tinkertool in the safari tab turn the debug menu and restart safari and then with in the debug menu select user agent and windows MSIE 6.0
2. is using safari enhancer does the same thing.
But still try opening them with safari most web sites check browsers so as they update the site they may add more safari function
You can do this without third party software, by folowing these steps:
1. Quit Safari
2. Open Terminal
3. Write 'defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1' and then return.
4. Open Safari.
5. Choose IE from Debug->User Agent.
To turn the debug menu off, repeat, replacing the '1' in step 3 with '0'.
This will not make Safari render the page like IE though, just pretend to be IE. For example, a page with malformed code will be displayed exactly the same, but a page that says 'You do not use IE, so we will not let you look at the site' will be displayed properly.
But as macintaz said, you should only do this when you really need to because otherwise webmasters will think more people use IE than really do, and will therefore continue using malformed code.
BTW, I'm assuming you're using plain Mozilla, not Firefox or Camino. Have you tried Firefox? It has a search bar, better tabbing than Mozilla (IMO), faster etc. You can get it