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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 8, 2018
We are addressing first to mobile game developers but we are also interested to have returns from devs working on others supports.

Hey guys I’m Psychonaut, a blockchain/video-game enthusiast and one of the creator of the Gamzer future platform. Me and my associates are looking to ask some questions to mobile-game developers. We are here to apport a new intelligent solution to both creators and gamers but we want to be sure to really understand the needs.

But first, let me first introduce you first in what our general idea consist :

Gamzer idea aims to lead the mobile game industry to a decentralized form where game developers and users will be fairly rewarded for their work.

With the blockchain technology coming, it’s now possible for us to propose a platform solution who act more like a service who directly put in relation player and creators rather than a greedy capitalist society. We really believe that these new technologies will permit a complete new era in the video game industry by dethroning centralized platform such as Steam, AppleStore, PlayStore which make money by suffocating creators of contents with enormous commissions (30 % average) and also by reselling private users data informations.

Here is a list of features & advantages that we will implement in our decentralized platform with the help of smart contract concept :

(Disclaimer : this is just a sneak-peek and not the actual exhaustive list)

  • For developers :
° Reducing the cost of video game editing, degressive from 10% to 1% symbolic.
° Instant payment transaction and no fraud possible
° Reducing the expenses on the highlight (marketing) of your games thanks to our system of referral-links.
° Possibility to create decentralized fundraising with our gamzer coin to finance the development of project.
° Creation of a forum where devs will have direct returns with others developers and the community
° Possibility for developers to create remunerate jobs offer with our crypto-currency.
° Possibility to create a new style of games : blockchain-games.
° Possibility to have precise and live statistics of their published content.

  • For gamers :
° Possibility to gain money by playing their favorite games and completing some in-games tasks
° Possibility to gain unique virtual objects equipable on their avatar, but also resellable on our marketplace (crypto-assets).
° Possibility to gain money by sharing and creating content for our platform.
° Possibility to gain money via the system of referral-link (inviting friends).
° Possibility to play some brand new independant games and test them in preview mode.
° Possibility to create association of players and create event on our platform.
° Possibility to pay anonymously with zGMZ.

We have already made several case studies to better understand the problems that a small creator of contents has to face and imagine a platform which effectively meets their needs, but it seemed to us interesting to have directly the opinion of the concerned.

That’s the reason why we are looking for feedbacks relative to the publication of some of your games on platforms of edition. For example, what were the positive points and the negative points as for the creation & launch of your project?

Any constructive answers will be very useful for us to afterward be able to create a platform which concretely answers the requested needs of creators of mobile games. In return of this exchange, we make a commitment to give you certain amount of our cryptocurrency Gamzer (in function on how your answer is detailed), the same currency which will be vital in the smooth running of our decentralized platform of video-games edition.

Here is some more detailed interrogations that we want you to answer :

What are your average sales per month?
How much do you pay of taxes on your turnover?
What slow you down the most in the creation of your mobile game?
Which platform do you solicit first and why?
What were your experiences with platforms that you have used, especialy AppleStore/PlayStore?
What is your evolution on the of video games market?
What you would like to achieve on the coming year?
What do you miss today to be able to carry out this objective?
From your point of view, if you can surmount this problem what would be the major benefits?

You can answer us directly here or you contact us at our mail : We are also available for a vocal interview which one will permit us to communicate more easily with you.

If you want to understand more about what we are actually going to create and see some of our actual work, just follow this link :

Thank you for taking the time to let us know what you think.
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