Ok speculation time here .. where is Palm Desktop for OS X.. supposed to be out by the end of the year..even acknowledged by their CEO for release this year. No sign .. not even a beta.. funny that neither Palm of Handspring are scheduled to attend MWSF. Sure they will be at CES instead. Ok so the lack of release is a huge blunder on Palm's part or they don't care what Mac users think .. not that I am discounting either of these possibilities... but what about a new i-app which actually replaces the Palm Desktop and is released by Apple vice Palm. Ok OK I know based on the anti-PDA sentiment around here I may be hanging myself here but I am not suggesting an Apple branded PDA, though it would be great.. I really want and need a Palm desktop for use under OS-X.. it is the only major app I am having to deal with 9 for. Just a thought about another suprise from Apple. In light of neither major PDA maker being at the show .. I am really hoping this comes true..