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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 13, 2004
Kilmarnock, Scotland UK
I have a Panasonic DMC-FZ7 and id like some help with night/astral photography. I live neer the middle of nowhere and if i take a 5 minuite drive on a clear winter night you can see loads od stars with the naked eye. id like to be able to take pics of this (descent ones).

My panny has loads of settings (probably far to many for a very hobby shooter like me) but im wondering what the best settings woulod be to get great pics. the best i can get at the moment are on ISO-400, 60s exposure, and an apature setting (f-stop maybe i donno) of 8.0. or if i set it to high sensitivity mode i can get iso-800 or iso-1600 but that only lets me take a maximum exposure time of 1s.

anyone know of the best way for me to get results, or even get a longer exposure with iso-1600, or even select iso 1600 outsede "high sens" in the "scn" mode?

Please offer any advice you can, ill post pics if the results are good.

as for editign s/w i have Photoshop CS3 beta, CS2, Apeture (free trial), graphic convertor, and iPhoto. and experiance varies from "quite a bit but no where near pro" ( PS & GC & iP) to "what the heck am i doing" in Apeture


macrumors regular
Dec 20, 2006
Your Panasonic "noise monster" you have is one of the least applicable cameras for your intended purpose. You want to see stars i'm sure, not noise.

The best thing you can do is actually use a LOW ISO setting, to minimize the noise and hope for any decent results, I think.

But you really should be looking at getting another camera for this purpose.
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