I tried researching thru the posts but couldn't find.
Is it possible to stream Pandora or Slacker from iPod touch to the Apple TV 2?
Is it possible to stream Pandora or Slacker from iPod touch to the Apple TV 2?
I tried researching thru the posts but couldn't find.
Is it possible to stream Pandora or Slacker from iPod touch to the Apple TV 2?
Yes, they both work fine.
Yep. Have airport expresses set up in garage & patio andTV in 2 different rooms and can stream Pandora to all locations via my iPad. Looks super impressive when company comes over for the holidays.
I don't seem to be able to get the Apple TV option when I am playing Pandora on my iPod Touch. What am I doing wrong.
Double click home button, scroll all the way to the right..see airplay menu while playing pandora
I guess I am more dense that I thought. When I double click the home button, it takes me to my home screen. Am I supposed to do something after that?
yes, both the touch and apple tv2 have the newest versions.Multitasking should pop up. Are your running 4.x iOS?
yes, both the touch and apple tv2 have the newest versions.
Ok now I see Pandora has the Airplay button on the app itself. I didn't realize that until now because I was using it but the button had disappeared. Then I just read where Apple released an update today to Time Capsules and Airport routers that's supposed to fix some bugs with Airplay. After the update, my Airplay button showed up on Pandora again. Hopefully this keeps it more stable.
Would anybody be kind enough to email me the pandora app please? Its not available in the UK iTunes store and I tried getting it through the US one but it wouldnt let me.
Thank you.
All apps contain DRM, and emailing the app won't work.
When in the multi task function on my iPad I don't see the option to push to my apple tv or airport. Am I missing something?
I've looked all over the app and in multi tasking for the icon and can't find it! What am I missing?
Are you finding the Airplay icon on any other apps? If so, try rebooting your phone or just close down the app completely using the multitasking tray.