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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 14, 2008
OK so yesterday we were at a location that seemed to be begging to be a panorama photo.

My question is this .......

The location is a large reservoir and I would be on one shore shooting across the water to the other shoreline??

There is a tiny island in the middle and I may actually be able to go out to it and do a 360 degree panorama shot from there.

Would it be best to use a wide angle lens and take a few shots -OR- zoom in and take many shots.

I plan on doing at least 3 sets at different exposures and see what works best.

Probably let the camera do it's auto bracketing thing.

Camera will be on tripod with remote release.



macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2005
Alpine, UT
Depending on your camera, you'll want to shoot anywhere from 24-40mm - any wider and you get distortion and it's a lot harder to put them together because of bowing lines. Try to keep everything straight up and down on the right/left edges and it will be a lot easier to stitch together, and you won't have to crop off the top and bottom thus making a narrow panoramic.


Aug 30, 2006
New England
You should take the panorama using portrait mode. This way it won't be as thin (on the up-down axis). Also, you should shoot in manual mode, with everything fixed (aperture, speed, ISO, focus), and include a 25% overlap between shots. Good luck.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 1, 2009
the cold dark north
akadmon, this is the shortest and best advise I have read in a long time. I will actually try this this weekend.

Never thought of the portrait mode (you mean high format) but it seems like a quite logical choice...

I also love the 24mm suggestion because the one time i did try panorama shooting i did have distorted lines...

good stuff :)



macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2008
You should take the panorama using portrait mode. This way it won't be as thin (on the up-down axis). Also, you should shoot in manual mode, with everything fixed (aperture, speed, ISO, focus), and include a 25% overlap between shots. Good luck.

Yep, this is the way I'd do it. Use a longer focal length and you won't end up with everything looking tiny (as you'd get with a wider angle).

I'd also advise to take two rows of photos (upper and lower), this way, you'll have far more data to crop a pleasing panorama out of.

Panorama taken with a 135mm lens, stitched portrait photos (16Mb).


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 14, 2008
You should use a tripod.

As stated in the original post --> " Camera will be on a tripod "

You should take the panorama using portrait mode. This way it won't be as thin (on the up-down axis). Also, you should shoot in manual mode, with everything fixed (aperture, speed, ISO, focus), and include a 25% overlap between shots. Good luck.

WOW ... so much information in such a small post.

Thanks, it makes sense, a lot of sense.

Depending on your camera, you'll want to shoot anywhere from 24-40mm - any wider and you get distortion and it's a lot harder to put them together because of bowing lines. Try to keep everything straight up and down on the right/left edges and it will be a lot easier to stitch together, and you won't have to crop off the top and bottom thus making a narrow panoramic.

Yeah I played with it yesterday and at wide angle there is a lot of waviness at the edges. I was aware of this ahead of time and took the shots accordingly, so that none of what I wanted would be cropped off. I am actually considering a bit stronger than 40 as I really want to capture more detail along the shoreline.

I did it 'freehand' and it was 'OK', tomorrow we take the tripod and it will be leveled 360 degrees to keep everything just right.

I was somewhat impressed with the results of the freehand, I know on a tripod with all setting fixed manually it will be just right!!!!!


macrumors regular
Jun 1, 2006
Truth be told, the photomerge function in CS4 is so good that it'll do a damn fine job stitching handheld photos... even with slightly varying exposures between frames (in other words, even if you don't manually set a constant exposure).

Not to say this is an incredible example, but to give you an idea...below is a pano I took in aperture priority, handheld at Top of the Rock in NYC in May. Took about 15-20 frames, in portrait orientation... just started on one end, and snapped away while making sure to overlap 1/3 to 1/2 of the frame. No problems stitching whatsoever and took almost no time to take the shots since no tripod was involved...just click, turn, click, turn, click......etc

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