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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 22, 2002
USA Baltimore
Hi everyone again it is I the dealer of tricks turns out i now know what the iApp Lalala does
remeber when Steve jobs gave his speach at macworld NYC 2002 he said how Renoveous would allow people to walk by others with it installed and instanly be able to trade files well guess what the new I app code name Lalala (play off of NA NA NA) to poke a joke at the RIAA and MPAA does just that.

here is my freind after i posted our last chat :

DeepPanther: dude I Will tell you
DeepPanther: remove that now
DeepPanther: remove it and I will tell
DeepPanther: dude I know more just ****
DeepPanther: remove it
DeepPanther: you ****ing ****
DeepPanther: alright
DeepPanther: dont tell but its going to be something with KDX
DeepPanther: like KDX will work on PDAs
DeepPanther: dude wtf did you leak
DeepPanther: I was really getting close to asking you if you wanted it
DeepPanther: but I donno if I can trust you
DeepPanther: you just not going to talk to me?
TRICKSDEALER: he... he .. he
TRICKSDEALER: i guess you saw the post
DeepPanther: dude can you please pull that ?
DeepPanther: yeah
TRICKSDEALER: you see i was kinda pissed a little
TRICKSDEALER: see it one of my pet peaves
TRICKSDEALER: the whole people hiding stuff from me
TRICKSDEALER: so to find more info since you had me going nutz i told people
TRICKSDEALER: well a board of peopel
DeepPanther: dude lol no one knows
TRICKSDEALER: well my meta freind did
DeepPanther: lol what did he say?
TRICKSDEALER: it was jobs pissing on the mpaa
TRICKSDEALER: and the riaa
DeepPanther: lol yeah
DeepPanther: you know
DeepPanther: but please can you pull it
TRICKSDEALER: for his revenous was the hole key to it
DeepPanther: for the good of apple :)
TRICKSDEALER: dude their have been talks of that **** for a while now
TRICKSDEALER: what i posted inst anything major
TRICKSDEALER: plus no one knows its you
DeepPanther: yeah but pull my convo because I dont want to get in trouble for a leak
DeepPanther: yeah
DeepPanther: the **** part of my nick clue too much to who I am at work
TRICKSDEALER: dude no one will find out trust me
TRICKSDEALER: im posting our chat now
DeepPanther: and can you try and change my words around
DeepPanther: no please dont post a chat I dont want any clues
DeepPanther: cause I could get in legal trouble
TRICKSDEALER: ill post the first 15 lines
TRICKSDEALER: and change the useranames
TRICKSDEALER: to protect the corprate pirates
DeepPanther: ok :) expect what I said about changing my name and ****
DeepPanther: and the server stuff dont say
TRICKSDEALER: what server stuff?
DeepPanther: and dont say anything about carracho I dont want people to get confused
DeepPanther: about you asking for server info
DeepPanther: just stick to facts
TRICKSDEALER: i said first 15 lines
DeepPanther: KDX = cocoa
DeepPanther: KDX=Apple
DeepPanther: KDX=Piss off RIAA
DeepPanther: KDX= Former HL guy
DeepPanther: you know :)

So if you all got that the new iApp codenamed Lalala is inface KDX with a cocca interface and it complete secure so no one can see what you might be downloading even apple and this will be the first major corperted sponsed software of its kind to do this
anyone else here not buying it?

i would love for this to be true, but there's no way, IMO
you should also respect ***Panther's wishes, or he won't bee inclined to keep you up to speed in the future. just my $.02 ;)
besides, doesn't Jaguar already do all the things that KDX does?
Sorry, but the only thing likely about these threads is that DJ_TRicks needs to learn to spell. It just looks as though someone wants attention. Perhaps this is the same person posting about eMacs being defective, eh?
deeppanther... that DJ_tricks is trippen
TRICKSDEALER... yea, a real special boy...
deeppanther... can you believe he's bought into my being an apple source...
TRICKSDEALER... hahahaha ya, more like applesauce hahahaha
deeppanther... hahahaha
"Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit your dog would go in, and you would stay out" Mark Twain :cool:
man why do you insist on posting the same "news" or rumors multiple times, once is enough and in the correct forums. As far as the rumor goes, I highly highly doubt that apple would waste the time into building this app.:rolleyes:
To add fuel to the fire...

I have reason to believe that the original post in this thread is acutally based on truth...

I don't have many other details...


Arn shuts everyone up..KDx is very kickass indeed and i could see Jobs as a freedom fighter for the privacy of users, Being an X hippie and all..but Tricks sounds like he has multiple personalities.
I happen to have chats with people close to the KDX developers from time to time... and let me tell you, KDX is NOT a cocoa app. It's still carbon, and according to the KDX dev. it will stay carbon for quite a while. In fact, the KDX developers HATE THE OSX INERFACE!!! That's why they made a whole new interface for all of their apps, thus including KDX. Also, Haxial software, the developer of KDX, is not at all inclined to selling KDX to anyone.

-Dr. D.


If you'd only look at some of the Haxial policies you will see that it's not going to happen...

i didnt post his name

he wished me to change his name the deeppanther (a play off of deepthroat) and my name for the anime conversation have been changed but funny thing is i dont have my aim name anywhere on this board yet i have been messgages by two people stating i was wrong hmmmmm
LOL, poor guy, he said only 15 lines, theres like 30, he said not to mention carracho, ok, poor guy is gonna cry if he reads these boards.
I am not discrediting your finding, but where do you get 10.3 as Panther? I have heard this before, but I want to know, was this made official at some point? I mean, I can't glean a pattern from w/e os x.0 was-puma-jaguar? Did someone from apple hint it?
apple os nick names

OS X 10 beta was renveous (i cant spell)
OS X 10.1 was Puma
OS X 10.2 is Jagaur
OS X 10.3 is Panther
OS X 10.4 is Lion
OS X 10.5 is Cugar
Re: apple os nick names

Originally posted by DJ_TRicks
OS X 10 beta was renveous (i cant spell)
OS X 10.1 was Puma
OS X 10.2 is Jagaur
OS X 10.3 is Panther
OS X 10.4 is Lion
OS X 10.5 is Cugar

I believe 10.5 is cougar. ;D.

This sounds interesting. I think apple will suprise us with
something very innovative if they continue on the same
track they were on when releasing the new books.
Re: !!!!NEW!!!!! Panther OS X 10.3 new "iApp" Lalala ( can you say cocca KDX file tra

Originally posted by DJ_TRicks

here is my freind after i posted our last chat :


If I was feeding you rumours and saw you putting up transcripts like this, I'd be pretty fuming! Bring us rumours, fine, but paraphrase them. This gets close (maybe too close ?) to putting your friend in a lot of deep steaming brown stuff. And don't think because you can't spot a direct way of fingering him (her?) that someone in a more knowledgable position (such as your friend's boss!) can't work it out.

IMHO: Bring us paraphrased rumours, even if a certain percentage will scoff at them, but show more honour to a friend's request to not be dropped in it. IFF this caused them to lose their job, how would you feel?
I thought 10.0 was Cheetah...

Anyways, I didn't believe a word this guy said. DJ_Tricks.. you need to learn how to make yourself sound more convincing. But, of course, I was stunned when Arn said this was based on truth.

I just don't know what to believe now. Arn, can you please give us more information, or maybe how you know it's based on truth??

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