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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 6, 2007
So I've seen two threads about bringing in printed out portfolios to an interview process. Is that really standard practice?

I'm from the States and an online portfolio seems to have been enough. I'm looking for a new job (current one ends in 2.5 months) and I know in Germany, friends of mine tend to bring like little folders full of paper to interviews to prove they have this and that qualification. And here at University you get a piece of paper with a grade on it per course. So it's full of that stuff.

I'm looking mostly for web stuff and applying online and submitting the link to my online portfolio (which is also on my resume) as well. Is that enough?
Am I expected to also bring printouts of my work?
If you are solely doing "web stuff" then online or a computer-based portfolio may be OK…

But remember there is a lot of "design" work outside of websites. ;)
So I've seen two threads about bringing in printed out portfolios to an interview process. Is that really standard practice?

Nope. There's no such thing as standard practice when interviewing for a creative position. ;)

Am I expected to also bring printouts of my work?

Not if it's interactive based... no. It's going to be difficulty to demonstrate interactivity from a printout. ;)
My experience has been that employers prefer tangible examples of your work so providing the actual magazines you have worked on, leaflets with your artwork on or calendars which you created is a bonus.

Nothing is 'wrong' with an online portfolio - but providing physical prints helps to show a higher quality, especially if everyone else's portfolio is online.

I just think there is a certain 'wow' factor in providing printed examples of your work.
Your portfolio should reflect what job you are applying for. If you are applying to work in an all-digital capacity, then a web-based portfolio is perfect. I would suggest making a dvd or cd copy as a leave-behind.

However, if the job you are applying for is a print-based design job, then a printed portfolio is a must-have. Print-based job employers are going to need to see that you can take a design from the computer screen to press and create a flawless printed product.

If you are applying for a job where there might be both, then put your strengths in the majority and throw in a couple of your best pieces in a second medium. Employers love hiring people who are multi-talented. You never know when the print design guy will call in sick or quit and you get called to step in.
I just think there is a certain 'wow' factor in providing printed examples of your work.

I've done mostly (98%) web work so printing seems like a challenge for me because I don't think it's possibly to print out websites at a high enough resolution such that they'll look nice on print.

The CD idea is interesting though. I might consider doing that.

Thanks for all the responses.
Well, I've never heard of printing out a website before, unless you were mocking up the site nav for a client. If you work 98% in digital then your portfolio should be digital. Otherwise, it just looks silly.
If you have print work, you must bring a printed portfolio. If you do only web stuff, have it online and on a USB drive with you.

I do a little of everything (print, web, video). I have it all on my site and then I also print the print and web stuff for interviews.
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