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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 8, 2004
Salt Lake City, Utah
Hey !

I am in an Arts Institute school in salt lake city.
For my design class I was just assigned as a group to make a structure:

the following rules:

Elmers Glue
Matboard for the base.
Black/White paper.

Needs to be at least 12"/12"/12" L/W/H

We decided, maybe we should make an interactive Labyrinth game...

Something that in the end when it's done, it looks kick-a and functions/or at least LOOKS like it functions as a labyrinth game (where you roll the ball from the beginning to the other end through a maze by tilting the base)

any suggestions? drawings? illustrations?

any help is totally appreciated!

You will be credited !

We're just attempting to do something "out of this world" something quite intense.

We have 1 week from this post.

thanks guys!
appreciation is absolute!

how about a 12x12x12 cube :p

But seriously, how about a 4x4x4 cube inside a 12x12x12 cube. Imagine an outer cube with a 4" hole on each side and then join them to the 4x4x4 solid cube in the centre.
Or if you want to be really clever how about a cube with steps going inwards to the smaller 'cube'

It's not as easy as it sounds to make :)
o0o... that is intense! thanks man! I will surely put that on the "For sure consider" list!

i was just told that it actually has to be something "inhabitable".. so that should twist things up!
o0o... that is intense! thanks man! I will surely put that on the "For sure consider" list!

i was just told that it actually has to be something "inhabitable".. so that should twist things up!

Ok a box can be inhabitable :)
Just make a door or side open although it might be a bit difficult to live in a 12x12x12 size shape :p

This should be good for some ideas of environments one could inhabit & get lost in. "Relativity" was always one of my favorites.

Maybe you could add little trees & other miniatures to populate the labyrinth out of paper. Another idea is to decorate the structure, so depending on the observers viewpoint, an image might be formed out of the 3 dimensional mass when looked at just the right way. (anamorphic illusion).

Some examples of that here:

That might spark things up a bit!
Good luck on your project - and have fun with it!
keep in mind that two pieces of paper are stronger than one, but one piece looks better.
how about a 12x12x12 cube :p

But seriously, how about a 4x4x4 cube inside a 12x12x12 cube. Imagine an outer cube with a 4" hole on each side and then join them to the 4x4x4 solid cube in the centre.
Or if you want to be really clever how about a cube with steps going inwards to the smaller 'cube'

It's not as easy as it sounds to make :)

I think S. Jobs already did this a few of times. The successful one still stands in New York.
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