I'm going to be buying my first Mac in mid/late-July and I'm debating whether or not I should go with Parallels or Boot Camp for running Windows when I need it. I want to decide soon because there's a $30 off promotion going on for Parallels right now.
I know the advantages of Boot Camp such as full native speeds, but what are the disadvantages of Parallels? I would be using Windows mainly for IE-only webpages, Adobe CS & Macromedia Studio '04 until CS3 comes out, and maybe some minor video work. I saw the screenshots of Parallels on their website, but the colors look like they're displayed poorly. Is this just due to the GIF compression of those images or does virtualization software actually have some display drawbacks (which wouldn't be good for Photoshop work).
Any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
I know the advantages of Boot Camp such as full native speeds, but what are the disadvantages of Parallels? I would be using Windows mainly for IE-only webpages, Adobe CS & Macromedia Studio '04 until CS3 comes out, and maybe some minor video work. I saw the screenshots of Parallels on their website, but the colors look like they're displayed poorly. Is this just due to the GIF compression of those images or does virtualization software actually have some display drawbacks (which wouldn't be good for Photoshop work).
Any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated.