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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 26, 2011
In this article Parallels explain how to customize the Guest macOS:

With the 2021 MBP 16.2, I am using a non standard resolution within the host OS, scaled to 1496x967 (instead the Standard of 1728x117), what would the correct parameters to get full screen usage and sharp image:


I have experimented a little bit, the complex part is that you have to remove the width of the Menu Bar, in the Display.Height value, also, I am using DPI = 109 that way I get the option for HiDPI. The following values are very close to perfection, but I would like to understand how to make the calculation for my Scaled Resolution, and any other resolution I decide to use later on, to use the full screen (minus the Menu bar) and sharp resolution:


With these values, in HiDPI in the GuestOS, I get a resolution of 1496x935, very close to the HostOS resolution of 1496x967, the difference is the Menu Bar that even on full screen is there due to the notch, 967-935 = 32, this is the result of experimentation, I don't know what is the exact width of the Menu Bar, probably knowing that I will be able to make the exact calculation.

Any assistance will be very much appreciated, thank you
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