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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 10, 2007
Cary, NC
Mac mini newbie here. I purchased a new mini a couple of weeks ago and am trying to install Windows/XP under Parallels. Is there anything in Parallels that would keep Microsoft Update from running on the XP virtual machine? I've installed Windows/XP SP2 and need to run all the updates but everytime I try, it says that Update won't connect. Internet itself is running fine on the XP (at least I can browse websites on IE.

Also, does Parallels have any type of user message boards like Fusion has? I've looked all over the Parallels website and can't find anything like that.

Thanks. I've finally got all the updates done. I think I just had a slow wireless connection. I also found the forums. I wasn't going to install Parallels or Fusion but found a couple of pieces of software I really need that I can't find a Mac replacement for.
Parallels is crap

This software has more bugs than an old Florida house. Support is slow
and poor at best
This software has more bugs than an old Florida house. Support is slow
and poor at best

Judging by your posts (newbie still since 2007 :confused: ) your a glass is half empty kind of person aren't you? Most anyone who uses Parallels 4.0 will tell you it is so much nicer than it used to be. I find 4.0 even enjoyable and would use it over Fusion any day but to each his own.
This software has more bugs than an old Florida house. Support is slow
and poor at best

Sorry. But I don't agree.

Both Parallels and VMware are gr8 software.
Parallels 4 really is the best consumer Windows XP full feature and speed virtualisation software.
VMware is more fun from a system admin's perspective: more to play around with (running different OS-es, etc), and interaction with the PC version of VMware.
I agree, Parallels is a great program, but I have a few issues with it:

It has no proper un-installer and a potential nightmare for people like me who are not fully conversant with Parallels.

I am presently using Parallels 3.0 (build 5604) and working OK, but hesitant to upgrade to Parallels 4.0 for the same reason as above.

How do I safely upgrade to 4.0 with losing any information & updates, including XP updates ?

Would I need to re-activate Windows again ?
In either case, Sun's VirtualBox is free and offers many of the same features.

I do prefer vmware to parallels my self but I have not tried the new one since I purchased fusion and never looked back.
I had Parallels 3 and upgraded recently to Parallels 4. Quite quick upgrade, also Parallels make a sort of backup to be able to downgrade to 3, if needed.
I wasn't sure about my previous installation of Win XP and Excel (I mean, I was worrying if something would not working properly after the upgrade). Everything is fine, though. imac is stable, parallels, win XP and Excel work perfectly. More stable and flawlessly than with v. 3, actually (before I had some issue with video card or video adapter, some sort of flashing somehow).

And, yes, sometimes it fails to connect for the updates (I have Avira installed, and once per week it fail the connection). I think it is related with the LAN sharing, possibly...
In either case, Sun's VirtualBox is free and offers many of the same features.

I do prefer vmware to parallels my self but I have not tried the new one since I purchased fusion and never looked back.

Virtualbox, as well as Crossover, did not work for me. Or, at least, Excel did not work correctly under them. And I use virtual machines only because Excel macro support
Virtualbox, as well as Crossover, did not work for me. Or, at least, Excel did not work correctly under them. And I use virtual machines only because Excel macro support

Uhh, if it didn't work in VirtualBox, you did something wrong. Not to say VirtualBox is perfect, but it operates in the same sense as VMWare or Parallels, full install virtual machine. If excel didnt work its because the Windows in the VM had an issue, patches maybe?
Hi zmttoxics, could you list a reasons why you prefer Fusion to Parallels ?

I am thinking of trying something different to Parallels.

Would it be possible/ advisable to run a trial version of Fusion with Parallels still installed on my Mac ?
Hi zmttoxics, could you list a reasons why you prefer Fusion to Parallels ?

I am thinking of trying something different to Parallels.

Would it be possible/ advisable to run a trial version of Fusion with Parallels still installed on my Mac ?


-They have been doing it the longest.
-I use their workstation and server products and they are all compatible.
-I already had an account on their website?

You can have the trial installed while parallels is install too I believe.
... I have a question, I'm currently running on a "stock" whitebook HDD = 120 GB advertized but in reality its 111 GB.

I don't have much on it but there's only 92 GB free and with 3 TB of external storage, I hadn't really thought of getting a new internal HDD (yet)... what size partition is recommended for running winXP, VM fusion and a few games?
This thread should be moved to the applications forum where it belongs.

To the OP, but Parallels and Fusion work very very well depending on what you are trying to accomplish.
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