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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 8, 2020
Our kid has screen time with content restriction enabled and protected by a passcode. Until few days ago it worked fine and automatically across kid's iPhone, two Macs and my parental iPhone. The private browsing in safari was disabled on all three devices, as was the ability to clear the browsing history. Any change I was making in the parental control was synced to all the devices.

However, I noticed that since few days (somewhere between iOS 14.1 and 14.2) the restrictions have been disabled on the child's phone. I wanted to re-enable it via my iPhone but the slider jumped back to the off position.

So I disabled the screen time all together, verified it was off on all the devices (for the Macs I checked it both via child's account and mine), updated all devices to the last software versions, restarted the devices and re-enabled the screen time and restrictions.

When I enabled the screen time via my iPhone, child's phone and the Macs still showed screen time/restrictions disabled. When I did it via the child's phone, it was enabled on the phone only, didn't sync to the Macs and to my phone. I also see private browsing and history removal are not blocked in safari.

Does anyone experienced similar glitches? Does anyone know how to get it properly working?
Thanks in advance for your ideas, I will very much appreciate your help. This stuff drives me nuts.
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