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da meat tree

macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 4, 2008
Hello. My first post.

From the title of my thread you can probably guess what this is about.

Anyway, the beginning of this summer, i bought a sony HDR-HC9 with money that i saved up from working the summer before. I currently have very little money and no allowance, and being in high school i have no chance of supporting a part time job. So no income for me. I've been looking at DSLR cameras recently, and i do like photography. I've been using a Canon Powershot A630, not the best camera, it's been holding it's value for the past year. I've been taking yearbook photos and things like that with it for my school. I've been looking to upgrade to a DSLR, I'm considering the Nikon D40 which I assume is in my price range (it really depends on my parents). The problem is that my parents will not let me buy the camera. Even if I raise the money myself somehow, they still said they won't let me buy it, because my current camera is "okay". Suggestions would be appreciated, because I do not wish to start out a new year of school taking grainy pictures for the school yearbook again.

Yeah, I make movies.


macrumors regular
Oct 26, 2007
You mean your school doesn't have it's own cameras? :eek:

When I took yearbook our high school had a couple D200's, one of which was unofficially "mine" hahaha.

The D40 would be an excellent choice as a beginner camera, but the parent issue is tough.

I'm assuming your parents don't have the same appreciation for photography that you do, so I would suggest showing them some great stuff that inspires you, and see what they think. If they can see you're serious about it, they'll be more supportive. Show them what you're missing with your current camera, and how it's worth the money they'll have to shell out for the D40.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
TBH, as long as you're living under their roof.... you get the point.
The school should be supplying the camera, I know my high school did when I was in photo.

Take the above poster's advice or learn to live with the tools you have.


macrumors 68000
Sep 13, 2007
Cedar Park, TX
Def. talk to your adviser and/or principle to get cameras for the school... if not talk to your yearbook rep. Our school provided some Nikon coolpix old ones, so our rep worked with Jostens and got us an Olympus DSLR. Needless to say that was used by other staff, I just used my D50 :p

As for the parents. How old might you be, if you don't mind me asking. Why not setup a checking or savings account for yourself. When I was 16 I went and got a checking account because I had a job and needed a place to put the money. They provide you with a check card that works like a credit card, only you have a limit. Like whats in the account...damn overdraft fees:mad:

This shows them that you have responsibility to take care of your money. But as I know some parents can be, they might think you are trying to rebel against them... so just approach them and say " I would like to set up a checking account to keep up with my money, and so that i have freedom in my purchases" not "hey i'm heading to the bank to get a checking account to buy that camera you wont let me buy."


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
I currently have very little money and no allowance, and being in high school i have no chance of supporting a part time job.

I had a part-time job while in high school, and I know a lot of other people who did too. I don't quite understand why that's out as an option for you.

At any rate, the best you can do with your parents is to educate them about the differences between PnS and DSLR cameras. Prepare a little folder of information for them, complete with example photos from magazines or whatever you can find. Print stuff off the web that explains the differences, and perhaps find some information regarding careers in photography. If they get a sense that this is a potential career and not just an expensive hobby, they might be more amenable.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2005
If you're working for the money, buy what you want.
Stop letting your parents live through you. Make your own decisions regardless of what they think (as long as they aren't foolish). They aren't the photographer, you are, and once you get older, you won't get the time or money to buy something like that.


macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
Tell them you are going to use the money for a camera or a tatoo (preferably of a tatoo) and they can decide which. If they won't let you get the camera and you get a tatoo it's not like they can take the tatoo away... :p

Seriously, though, as a parent (albeit of a 6 month old) I can see their point of setting limits on what you can do with "your money", but on the other hand I can't see why they would care if you got a job and bought a camera with the money.

Unfortunately, that's the depth of the advice I can offer. :cool:


macrumors 65816
Aug 1, 2007
Show us some of your work and we'll decide whether you're being limited by your gear or not.

I'm a gearhead, so don't get me wrong, but you can take some VERY good pictures with a P&S if you know what you're doing.

Respect your parents. The right way to proceed is to get the job, earn the money. Put some into savings and tithe and when you've saved enough of the rest to spend THEN go to your parents and say "you know, I've worked hard for this money, I've thought very hard about what I can do with it, and an investment into a better camera will allow me many years of creative work, do you think that would be ok?"

Earn it first, THEN ask. That's the way to handle the situation. That shows maturity. Because right now you have no job, it sounds like you're just looking for them to buy the camera and quite frankly, that's a lot of money to spend on a high school gift.

Another option would be to find a several year old DSLR, you will save a lot of money and get your feet wet.

da meat tree

macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 4, 2008
Two samples, I'd post my portraits but they're on the school computers.

I'm 16 and I already have a checking account.


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macrumors regular
Oct 26, 2007
Two samples, I'd post my portraits but they're on the school computers.

I'm 16 and I already have a checking account.

Try to get those portraits, they're a much better judge - and post them larger.

But as for now, I'd say work on your technique with composition, light and colour before worrying about a DSLR. I started with a P&S, and now I'm on my third DSLR after convincing my parents I needed a better camera.


macrumors 65816
Feb 15, 2002
Tell your school that if it wants photos for its yearbook, somebody should be providing the camera for you. It's ridiculous enough that many consumers regard photography as "free", as long as you have a boring job to pay for the "hobby". You shouldn't have to pay for your own cameras and lenses unless you are being compensated accordingly.

Your parents are unfortunately correct. The yearbook staff will probably take any photo, as long as you don't want money for it. There's no point in spending your money to pay for more quality that you can't sell.

I know someone else in HS whose parents I believe bought him pretty much everything he wanted for photography. The difference is that he works weddings and does other things that qualify him as a "professional", and he's really good too. When you're pursuing this type of work and planning to improve yourself such that you will be making money with the camera someday, then it's time to start considering spending that money. Otherwise, I'd advise you to save your money and focus on your academics.


macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
Try to get those portraits, they're a much better judge - and post them larger.

But as for now, I'd say work on your technique with composition, light and colour before worrying about a DSLR. I started with a P&S, and now I'm on my third DSLR after convincing my parents I needed a better camera.

I think it's silly to judge someones work tro decide if they "need a better camera". A genius, like Ansel Adams or something, could probably take a masterpiece with a homemade pinhole camera. Getting a better camera, imo, isn't going to give you better photos, it's about having features that make it easier to take a good photo.

The speed that a dSLR can go from "off" to image captured compared to ven a nice P&S means missing less shots. A dSLR makes better use of available light, or at worse can make use of a better flash with more precise controls, meaning low light candid shots don't have to be ruined.

The worst photog in the world isn't suddenly going to take great pictures with a better camera, and a great one isn't going to suddenly be taking better ones. It's just about making it easier to take advantage of the opportunities that arrise.

That's just my opinion of course.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Two samples, I'd post my portraits but they're on the school computers.

I'm 16 and I already have a checking account.

I bought my first SLR back when I was in the 8th grade. That was "decades" ago. It's worth it to get one as early as you can. But don't spend to much. The goal now is to learn and for that you don'r need expensive gear.

FOr your purposes I'd say you'd be MUCH better off buying a used D50 then a new D40. The d50 has a focus motor which allows better use of primes and AF zooms and the used D50 is a bit cheaper too. For any serious Nikon user you really do want the internal focus motor. For anyone on a budgt there is no other way to get a fast lens then to get a prime. The new digital Dxx camera are just not made for easy manual focus. May old F2 is easy to manually focus but but the new cameras.


macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
FOr your purposes I'd say you'd be MUCH better off buying a used D50 then a new D40. The d50 has a focus motor which allows better use of primes and AF zooms and the used D50 is a bit cheaper too. For any serious Nikon user you really do want the internal focus motor. For anyone on a budgt there is no other way to get a fast lens then to get a prime. The new digital Dxx camera are just not made for easy manual focus. May old F2 is easy to manually focus but but the new cameras.

I think that's bad advice. Other than the primes there's little good reason to get a d50. It's an inferior camera to the d40, and only about $50-75 cheaper. What will happen is you'll get a collection of non-AF-S lenses going and be locked into a camera that has an internal focus motor. I think the (massive?) success of the d40/40x/60 will push Nikon to keep releasing more and more cameras without internal motors, and when it comes time to upgrade you're just limiting yourself by doing this.

The manual focus on the "new Dxx" cameras is just like any other SLR. You turn the focus ring. I don't know what you are trying to say with that.

The primes, though, are definitely an issue. You are correct about that. But, again with the success of the D40, I think it's a matter of time for Nikon, or at least Sigma or someone, to start making an AF-S prime or two.


macrumors regular
Nov 10, 2007
I don't understand why you can't have a part time job... I'm a sophomore in high school and I've had a job since the beginning of my freshman year. I also participate in school sports, but I still easily find the time to finish all of my homework. I was having the same problems with my parents, and the way I convinced them that I would be making a good purchase was by borrowing my friends camera for a weekend, and took two pictures of everything, one with my friends SLR, and one with my PnS. My parents saw how the SLR photos looked so much better, and how I was able to capture moving objects a lot better, and in the end agreed with my decision to buy an SLR.


macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2007
I don't understand why you can't have a part time job... I'm a sophomore in high school and I've had a job since the beginning of my freshman year.

As a Junior w/ the slew of academics, off-season baseball, other extra-curriculars, and a part-time job as a photographer's assistant/2nd camera, I think it's possible.

But each situation is unique and we've no right to judge his. He knows his time better than we do.

da meat tree

macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 4, 2008
The reason I can't have a part time job is because I'm doing a sport every season. Soccer in the fall, hockey in the winter, and lacrosse in the spring.


macrumors 604
Consider this a good "Life Challenge," albeit on a small scale. Keep saving your money, and learn to take the best shots your skill & talent will take you with the Powershot (and that camera will die before you've perfected your use of it). Of the three physical elements in a camera system, the body is the least important of them, while the photographer is first. I''d bet that if you worked on your skills for the next couple of years in composition, lighting, zooming with your feet, all the good old basics, will be well-served. The new body is just a gadget, TBH. It'll always be there.


macrumors regular
Nov 10, 2007
The reason I can't have a part time job is because I'm doing a sport every season. Soccer in the fall, hockey in the winter, and lacrosse in the spring.

Same, but you just brought up something good. You play soccer. Your town must have a little league for soccer, and being a ref at a game brings a lot of money. I ref 2/3 games every weekend, and I get a pretty good pay. The little league probably needs some refs, and its a pretty easy job.
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