I was adding a new 250 GB Seagate SATA HD to my G5.
Since my system only came with Panther and the Tiger Upgrade
CD, I had to install Panther first, then upgrade the new drive to Tiger.
It was late, I was tired and not paying attention.
My stock Maxtor 160 HD was partitioned roughly 100GB Tiger ( with all my major files) and the rest to Panther/ OS9 for my older software.
While using the Panther OS CD to get my new Cuda drive up and running,
I ran the Verify Disk Utility just to see the results.
It came back saying that the Tiger HD volume on the Maxtor needed repair.
I dummed out and forgot that I was using the PANTHER OS CD
and hit the repair button.
Now my Tiger volume is fragged and WILL NOT MOUNT and WILL NOT REPAIR.
I get a keys out of order error.
File length error
Or when I try a second attempt, it tries to repair the B-tree error
it quits.
The Maxtor's Panther partiton Volume mounts, but none of my data is in the
the Home folders.
I thought I had a back-up User Prefs file stored on the Panther Partiton, but it turns out my Panther partition was just working as a mirror, so
My User folders are empty since the Tiger Volume won't mount. ARGHHHHH!
I've been trying to run Disk Warrior and it Beach Balls badly trying to rebuild the Tiger Volume. It literally locked up my entire system
till I had to power down with the power button.
I may try Data Rescue X to hopefully gain access to my Home folder.
It wasn't my machine or the OS, it was my foolish lack of attention.
I need some way to force the Tiger volume to mount so I can get to my data.
This has been three days of hell.
I'm totally frazzled.
At least my new Cuda drive is working.
I was adding a new 250 GB Seagate SATA HD to my G5.
Since my system only came with Panther and the Tiger Upgrade
CD, I had to install Panther first, then upgrade the new drive to Tiger.
It was late, I was tired and not paying attention.
My stock Maxtor 160 HD was partitioned roughly 100GB Tiger ( with all my major files) and the rest to Panther/ OS9 for my older software.
While using the Panther OS CD to get my new Cuda drive up and running,
I ran the Verify Disk Utility just to see the results.
It came back saying that the Tiger HD volume on the Maxtor needed repair.
I dummed out and forgot that I was using the PANTHER OS CD
and hit the repair button.
Now my Tiger volume is fragged and WILL NOT MOUNT and WILL NOT REPAIR.
I get a keys out of order error.
File length error
Or when I try a second attempt, it tries to repair the B-tree error
it quits.
The Maxtor's Panther partiton Volume mounts, but none of my data is in the
the Home folders.
I thought I had a back-up User Prefs file stored on the Panther Partiton, but it turns out my Panther partition was just working as a mirror, so
My User folders are empty since the Tiger Volume won't mount. ARGHHHHH!
I've been trying to run Disk Warrior and it Beach Balls badly trying to rebuild the Tiger Volume. It literally locked up my entire system
till I had to power down with the power button.
I may try Data Rescue X to hopefully gain access to my Home folder.
It wasn't my machine or the OS, it was my foolish lack of attention.
I need some way to force the Tiger volume to mount so I can get to my data.
This has been three days of hell.
I'm totally frazzled.
At least my new Cuda drive is working.