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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 11, 2019
I'm wanting to partition my 1.12Tb Fusion drive on my (late 2012) iMac i7 3.1Ghz, 8Gb Ram, 21.5 inch, 10.14.6 (I will update to 10.15 when stable update released) - so dual boot to 10.14/15 or 10.8.

I'm wanting to put an older OS like 10.8 on the new small partition to run older software better (Adobe CS4 and COD 4)

- Will partitioning the 1.12Tb Fusion Drive degrade performance of either boot-up
- Do both partitions take advantage of the SSD portion of Fusion Drive or will the new partition only be on the 'platter' or 'rotational' part of the Fusion Drive.



macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
I could be wrong (and others will correct me), but...

If you want to partition a fusion drive, I believe that the only choice that disk utility gives you is a 50/50 split. And the portion of the fusion drive(s) that actually "gets partitioned" is the HDD portion.

So if the object is to have a second OS on the second partition, be aware that it's going to reside entirely on the HDD portion.
That means... SLOW operation.

Want a better option?
Buy a small SATA 2.5" SSD -- you can get a 120gb drive for about $20.
Put it into a USB3 2.5" enclosure -- about $10.
Install your "secondary OS" onto that.
It will run much, MUCH faster than from a partitioned fusion drive!
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