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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 22, 2021
As far as I read so far, time machine backups require apple specific formatting of external storage.

If I also want to use the external storage as exchange medium for windows and Mac systems, I need something like ExFAT.

Is it a good solution to partition the external storage in 50/50? 50% Apple format specific for TM, rest with ExFAT? Which program do you use for this and would you recommend this approach?

best wishes


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
DON'T do this.

If you're going to use time machine (I prefer other backup apps), you'd do best to dedicate an ENTIRE DRIVE to being the tm backup.

Less problems that way.

In fact, I would not partition ANY drive (even for just data storage) into combined Mac/non-Mac format schemes. Again, a lot less trouble if something goes wrong...
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 22, 2021
Thanks for your reply. Do you use CCC? Is is reliable enough to omit TM backups?

Plus, could I use external store for such backups plus some manually backupped files? If I stay within apple format?
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