My nephew passed away and I am trying to get into his iphone5 to use it.. But I don't know his passcode.. He had his contract with Verzion but we cancelled it... and Verzion said they couldn't help us since we didnt know his passcode...
I can get into his itune acct but it dosen't say anything about the passcode. What does one do.. This is not a scam and I am not a hacker... I am his aunt that want's to use his iphone5... I don't want it to just sit here and not be used..That's a waste of money to have it sit here and not be used..
I have tried different things but it keeps coming back as to I need the passcode..
Any help would be greatly appreciated..
Thank you...
I can get into his itune acct but it dosen't say anything about the passcode. What does one do.. This is not a scam and I am not a hacker... I am his aunt that want's to use his iphone5... I don't want it to just sit here and not be used..That's a waste of money to have it sit here and not be used..
I have tried different things but it keeps coming back as to I need the passcode..
Any help would be greatly appreciated..
Thank you...