Which one should I buy, now that I have an extra $1200 at hand?
17" PB 1ghz SuperDrive 8x, 512MB, 60GB HD
MB white?
17" PB 1ghz SuperDrive 8x, 512MB, 60GB HD
MB white?
QCassidy352 said:I can't see how there's honestly any question here; the macbook is a better buy in so many ways and for so many reasons.
panoz7 said:It really depends what you want to do with it. I just traded from a macbook to a powerbook and I'm loving every minute of it. The 13" screen is small, but fairly high resolution for its size. If you plan on just running universal apps I'd go with the macbook.
If you're going for the powerbook though check out this thread: https://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=2625745 ... Great price for that comp.