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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 24, 2002
I installed Sidetrack on my Ti PB last night. It was fun for a while, but overall I decided to uninstall it. It kind of drove me nuts! I deleted it via the uninstaller it came with.

My trackpad is back to normal except for one thing. I have a very hard time double clicking to open a folder for example. The track pad works fine for single clicking and dragging, but double clicking works very poorly, have to keep on doing it for it to register.
The button itself works fine for double clicking, I am referring to tapping on the pad to double click.

Any advice?
go to System Prefs~Keyboard and Mouse and under the Trackpad tab make sure the Double-Click speed is where you want it to be at. if you have already done this then i am not sure....
PlaceofDis said:
go to System Prefs~Keyboard and Mouse and under the Trackpad tab make sure the Double-Click speed is where you want it to be at. if you have already done this then i am not sure....

Thank You! You solved my problem. I had double clicking speed all the way up. That combined with slow fingers is a no-no ;)
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