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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 6, 2012
Hello - Looking for recommendations on Emulators that I can use on My Mac.

I have a iMac running OSX El Capitan.

I have alot of work spreadsheets (from my PC) with vba macros that I would like to run on my home mac. Recently got excel 2016 for mac but was sadly disappointed when there was little to no VBA capabilities on it.

An recommendations for an emulator that would allow me to run macro enabled excel files would be grately appreciated.

Thank you.


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
Wine is a popular and currently decent choice to run PC program without installing virtual machine. But compatibility might be an issue. You can try it out.
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macrumors 65816
Oct 25, 2015
Also, before anyone calls me out on it, technically none of the programs I mentioned are "emulators". Windows will run natively on a Mac. You can run it is a separate Boot Camp partition, but that requires rebooting to access Windows and you cannot run Windows and OS X simultaneously. The programs above allow you to run Windows while booted from the Mac OS and switch back and forth and even cut and pasted between Windows and Mac applications.
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