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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 24, 2007
Just a curiousity question. What are some examples of all-in-one PCs that try to be equivalent to the iMac (i.e. all-in-one PCs that run Windows)?
Just a curiousity question. What are some examples of all-in-one PCs that try to be equivalent to the iMac (i.e. all-in-one PCs that run Windows)?

Sony's AIO PC. Not bad but.... (Expensive, sits too low and underpowered for the price)

Dell's XPS 2010 (Bulky, clunky, underpowered and nearly 3 times the price of the the base line 20" iMac)

HP's Touchsmart PC. (touch screen is a nice concept but doesn't work well. Bulky hardware and an acquired taste in terms of aesthetics).

I'm not even going there with Gateway's mess.

That's just my opinions. :)
Yeah, I know that iMac can run windows -- in fact I am posting this on a MacBook Pro running Windows Vista via Bootcamp ;-)

I did try Google, but the results were all over the place and didn't know what still existed and was on the market, etc.

But it looks like Sony is the big one.

Thanks for the replies.
Subject myself to what exactly? A non-iMac?

iMac is on the top of the list -- and the type of person I am wants to see if anything can bring it down off the pedastal before I buy.

Given the iMac just looks damn awesome and can run OS X and Windows, I think it would be hard pressed to find something better. The only thing is price -- but even that maybe can't be beat.
Subject myself to what exactly? A non-iMac?

iMac is on the top of the list -- and the type of person I am wants to see if anything can bring it down off the pedastal before I buy.

Given the iMac just looks damn awesome and can run OS X and Windows, I think it would be hard pressed to find something better. The only thing is price -- but even that maybe can't be beat.

There's no AIO on the market remotely in the low price range of the iMac. IMO Apple's being more than fair on the price of the iMacs considering what you get. If you match feature for feature from Dell, Sony or HP's AIO you will understand why the iMacs are so popular.

BTW if you are even considering something else other than the iMac I'm getting the feeling that you don't even use OS X. You said you were typing on this forum using a MBP under Windows. Do you use OS X? If not, it's not practical to have a Mac to use a Windows machine primarily.
Subject myself to what exactly? A non-iMac?

iMac is on the top of the list -- and the type of person I am wants to see if anything can bring it down off the pedastal before I buy.

Given the iMac just looks damn awesome and can run OS X and Windows, I think it would be hard pressed to find something better. The only thing is price -- but even that maybe can't be beat.

but' but' you kind of answered your own question, no?
I use both OS X and Windows -- each has their own special purposes. But, even if I only used Windows, it would *still* make sense to buy an IMac since I want an All-In-One and it is the lowest price -- that makes it practical.

I only answered my own question if I knew what the competition was. Now I do.
The ultra small form factor version of the Dell OptiPlex 7xx something offers a LCD monitor/stand combination..although it's not an all-in-one unit, but is pretty close, and lets you use the monitor or computer with other hardware in the future. At the low end, it should end up being a few hundred dollars cheaper than the iMac. Since it uses mostly standard desktop parts (3.5" hard drives, desktop LGA775 CPUs, and 240-pin DDR2 DIMMs), it'll be cheaper to upgrade.
I use both OS X and Windows -- each has their own special purposes. But, even if I only used Windows, it would *still* make sense to buy an IMac since I want an All-In-One and it is the lowest price -- that makes it practical.

I only answered my own question if I knew what the competition was. Now I do.

Hi jmFightSpam,

I know this thread was posted back in 2007, but I'm going through exactly the same thought process as you now in 2010. (This is being written from a Win XP MacBook if anyone out there cares, and yes, I use both OSes for different purposes!!)

Given that your sentiments in this thread resemble my thoughts pretty much to a tee, I'm really interested to know if you found any decent AIO PC alternatives out there, and if you chose to buy, what you thought of your decision by now?

Many thanks if you ever get this!
Hi jmFightSpam,

I know this thread was posted back in 2007, but I'm going through exactly the same thought process as you now in 2010. (This is being written from a Win XP MacBook if anyone out there cares, and yes, I use both OSes for different purposes!!)

Given that your sentiments in this thread resemble my thoughts pretty much to a tee, I'm really interested to know if you found any decent AIO PC alternatives out there, and if you chose to buy, what you thought of your decision by now?

Many thanks if you ever get this!

Considering the OP hasn't been on the forums for nearly a year, I wouldn't hold my breath. ;)
Yeah, I know that iMac can run windows -- in fact I am posting this on a MacBook Pro running Windows Vista via Bootcamp ;-)

I did try Google, but the results were all over the place and didn't know what still existed and was on the market, etc.

But it looks like Sony is the big one.

Thanks for the replies.

Get the hp touchsmart if you want to find something diffeent from an imac but with power (the quad core i7 though, is mobiliy (820qm) i would reccomend get the imac... or get a sony.. but their prices are about the same.. IMAC still rules in terms of build quality, graphics, screen reso display, versatality etc.:apple:
I played with the HP All in One at Best Buy a few weeks ago. The touchscreen felt clumsy and awkward and it didn't seem to perform like I wanted.

I would rather have some type of "Magic Trackpad" (Mroogle this for info) and keep the traditional non-touchscreen iMac display, and use what seemed to be around a 6x6 wireless or USB trackpad to manipulate the OS.

I prefer USB because it's greener, but it seems like there's a huge push for wireless. I can tell you first hand nothing is more annoying than playing a game and having your batteries kick it in the middle of a match :) Rechargables are good, but still will get "drained" in the end.
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