Hello, I believe this is my first post, if not it has been a while...I hope I have done it correctly...As far as my problem goes, it is this: I am sharing a cable connection with my neighbor, who has a PC. While I was used to sharing files between platforms w/ os9(and Dave), I have never done it with osx(I currently have 10.2.8). Trying to get those things I wish to share open to his PC is proving somewhat counter-intuitive to me. If anyone could give me some constructive advice, I would appreciate it. I feel a little sheepish asking, as it is something I should know by now, and probably very easy...but I come to these forums daily and have always been impressed by the helpfulness and courtesy therein, so I thought I'd ask to save myself time and a headache...thanks in advance...(by the way, I have been on the fence on upgrading to 10.3...as related to my question, does panther make things easier?)