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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 12, 2017

About 3 months ago, i said goodbye to my last ELCAP 10.x ppc and bought a secondhand win 7 64b laptop.
On my mac at that time, i used a program, cannot remember which though, maybe macpar ? to split a 4GB file into 4 pieces, to be joined after I transfered it to my laptop.

The program gave 5 files as output.,,,,

Today, i tried to join these files on my windows, with winrar, 7zip and i get an error that files cannot be joined as archive is unknown format.

I downloaded some Unix-to-dos commands such as cat, split commands which i executed on dos prompt and joined the files but the final file does not unzip with similar error.

Alternatively, i installed backtrack as i am newbie in linux, and tried to work a cat command on prompt. Joined files and tried to unzip it and does not work.

I believe it might be incompatibility from the program that created these on mac.

Does anybody had similar problem and the solution to it please ?
Any clues what program i used that time, with ability to give out .aa, .ab split files.

Any advise, what program i should try to get to be able to join and Unzip, most importantly,
these .xx files ?

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