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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 22, 2006
Clearwater, FL
I have a friend whom needs a new computer and is asking me for advice on buying a notebook, of couse since i know he isnt big on media I am suggesting the minimal stock MacBook.
The thing is, he is blinded by the incredible specs of PC laptops that cost much less... How can I convince him to go with the MacBook?

P.S. He is coming over tomorow to play with my iMac and see how he likes OS X. How can I woah him?
when i switched, i was wowed by expose.... instead of alt-tabbing you can simply pick and choose which window to choose from.

tell him how you dont have to turn off the computer like PCs or restart as often as PCs.

Since he is intersted in PC laptops, you should tell him how much better the battery life of the macbook is. Most other PC laptop battery life is only an hour.
wako said:
Since he is intersted in PC laptops, you should tell him how much better the battery life of the macbook is. Most other PC laptop battery life is only an hour.

Spreading FUD is not a way to get converts.
I cant believe no one thought of this. Viruses. Teach him how many viruses Windows machines get. Also, tell him how there is NO viruses for OSX. Also, tell him how easy it is to switch. It is really easy.Bold, underline, italic. Mustr be iportant =P
nitynate said:
The thing is, he is blinded by the incredible specs of PC laptops that cost much less... How can I convince him to go with the MacBook?
Show him that there are few, if any, PCs with incredible specs that cost much less.
Did I miss some massive drop in the price of Core Duo laptops?
nitynate said:
How can I woah him?
You really can't convert anyone by trauma with a bunt force instrument, but I agree with plinden that there aren't that many Core Duo based PC motebooks of similar size that cost much less than a MacBook.

It really all depends on what your friend wants to do with the box, if it's just your garden variety web/e-mail/chat/office/pictures/MP3s box then you might be able to convert him, but if he wants games or needs other Windows apps, the MacBook will also set him back the cost of the XP license to run under Boot Camp, and he won't be happy.

ManchesterTrix said:
Spreading FUD is not a way to get converts.

it isnt FUD when most cheap laptops only get an hour of life on their battery
nitynate said:
P.S. He is coming over tomorow to play with my iMac and see how he likes OS X. How can I woah him?
If you really want to "wow" him, give him a user account on your MacBook (or whatever you have) and let him use it for a few days.

If he's truly media agnostic (no camera? no music?), the power and integration of iLife will bore him to tears. From there, it's just the OS X experience that will draw him in ... and you can't summarize that well enough to do it justice.
nitynate said:
He does no media at all.
You didn't answer what he does want to do with the box. It could just b that a Mac isn't the right box for his needs/desires... (I know that sounds like heresy on MR!)

On the other hand, I didn't "do" media until I got a digital camera. Now I have close to 5000 digital images and > 10 hours of DV footage ... most of it's crap but without a computer and the software that could handle it I wouldn't have got even this far.
I don't think there are any cheaper PC laptops with as good specs, as good screen resolution, a built in camera and a remote.

Then there's MagSafe, two finger scrolling and compared to most cheap laptops the size and weight of the MacBook is superior.
From another thread here:

Take a bunch of pics, put them in a folder. Select all or many of them. Right-click and select 'Slideshow'. In the show, be sure to fit them to the screen.

Then hit 'i' to go to the index, use the arrow keys to select different ones, then hit enter to zoom to that one. Repeat a few times.

Wicked cool.
No doubt about it:

Fast User Switch.

Of all the things that OSX does, that's the one that people consistently love.

(Oh, and if you don't have two accounts, you should. There's no better time than the present!)

nitynate said:
He does media, just it's the classic boring PC user, you know e-mail, internet, a few pictures every now and again....
Does e-mail count as "media" now? I guess....

PC: Yeah, well, there are some pretty cool apps that I'm bundled with....
Mac: Oh, like what?
PC: ...uh...calculator...clock...
jsw said:
From another thread here:

Take a bunch of pics, put them in a folder. Select all or many of them. Right-click and select 'Slideshow'. In the show, be sure to fit them to the screen.

Then hit 'i' to go to the index, use the arrow keys to select different ones, then hit enter to zoom to that one. Repeat a few times.

Wicked cool.
Oh My God. That's amazing. :D

Yes, and photobooth.
And fast user switch. Woo.
Download and install Parallels, and beg borrow or steal a Windows XP install disk. Install Windows (don't bother about activation, you have 30 days and you can remove XP before that). Switch to full screen mode and back (it looks like fast user switching)
gekko513 said:
I don't think there are any cheaper PC laptops with as good specs, as good screen resolution, a built in camera and a remote.

Then there's MagSafe, two finger scrolling and compared to most cheap laptops the size and weight of the MacBook is superior.

Under $800 with remote (although no camera). Weight is very comparable (5.1 to 5.3 pounds), and the battery life is around 3 hours on that under normal use.
gco212 said:
Under $800 with remote (although no camera). Weight is very comparable (5.1 to 5.3 pounds), and the battery life is around 3 hours on that under normal use.
What's the screen resolution on those? Do they have bluetooth?
wako said:
and too each their own opinions

Except "it isnt FUD when most cheap laptops only get an hour of life on their battery" isn't an opinion, it's a statement of fact, and it is an incorrect statement.
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