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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
Hi all,

Remember someone who wanted to make an internal RAID0 SSD boot drive setup, mentioning and linking to a site that produced/sold these.

Basically a PCIe holder/interface for using a 2.5" SSD internally. Sold without the SSD for about 50 bucks.

Been googling for hours and can not find the thing for the life of me.

Any links much appreciated!
That is EXACTLY what I was looking for, many thanks, made my day!

Since we are on the topic, they seem to have gotten their facts wrong when they say:

The Velocity Solo will function in all Mac Pro models, but will only boot in EFI64 machines which are the last 2 models, 2009 and 2010, also known as MacPro4,1 and MacPro5,1, which can be found by doing an "About This Mac", and then "More Info". The 1st thee models, the 2006, 2007 and 2008, known as MacPro1,1, MacPro2,1 and MacPro3,1, are EFI32, so won't boot from the Velocity Solo, but will function like high performance storage.

As I have a Macpro 3,1 but it is EFI64. So I am guessing I should be fine to boot from it, no?
I'd think it would boot if they specify EFI64, but it also raises the question of PCI 2.0 vs 1.0, since slots 3 & 4 on the 3,1 model aren't PCI 2.0... Only the first two x16 slots are. Not sure what will be the end result, and may be related. Or maybe only a speed handicap, or no issues at all? I'd call and ask about it first, since they must have tested it in a 3,1 Mac Pro.
Hmmm, that's a tidy solution I didn't know about. Will bookmark for future use. Thanks for sharing!
I wrote to them and pointed out that they were in error, that the 3,1 Mac Pros are EFI64 and that they were in fact NOT selling cards they could do to their own error. Rather than acknowledge or even do some research, they wrote this back:

"This is not entirely correct. Most versions of the 2008 Macs do not have EFI64. Some versions of the 2008, most likely the later releases, will have EFI 64 and will boot with the SOLO card installed."

Maybe if a few more people wrote these guys the could correct their add and sell more cards?

Support <>
It looks like they just changed their description and reasoning for leaving out the 2008.

The Velocity Solo will function in all Mac Pro models, but will only boot in EFI64 machines which are the last 2 models, 2009 and 2010, also known as MacPro4,1 and MacPro5,1, which can be found by doing an "About This Mac", and then "More Info". The first two models, the 2006, 2007 known as MacPro1,1, MacPro2,1 are EFI32, so won't boot from the Velocity Solo, but will function as high performance storage. The 2008 Mac Pro 3,1 is EFI64 but does not boot reliably, and therefore is not supported.
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