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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 28, 2004
I have a couple of questions in a few ohter threads but would like to get a straight answer, so this is easier:

Over the summer, I will be away in Europe for 32 days staying in hotels... I won't have a cell phone because i realized its to costly to make the international calls.. So i figured... why not get a pda with wifi in it, so i can email all my friends and family?

1. Im stuck between two palms, the lifedrive and the tx. I like the tx better, but the lifedrive has the mic built in which could help me in another way which i will explain. So what is the difference between the two if i got a large memory card for the tx? They come out to be around the same price, but the tx is smaller and has a bigger battery life.

2. Since i won't have a cell phone, it would be really good if i could communicate with my voice somehow.. Like netmeeting on the computer, is there something like that for a palm so i can communicate with my parents back here in the us? If not, can't i just record a little memo, and email it to them as an attatchment? It would kind of be like voip, just i would not need to go to landline phones.

3. Does the tx even have a microphone? As mentioned in the last question, that would be really cool if i could do all that, but i dont think the tx does, only the lifedrive does right? If it doesnt, is there some way to add it?

4. What about text messages? Is there some way to send and receive text messages on my palm, maybe like forwarding them from my cell phone to my email? It is just really important to me to stay in contact with friends and family, and a lot of my friends dont use email a lot, just text messages.:eek:

5. Im going to have a camera with me, ill make sure to get one with an sd card. If i take a picture, will i be able to take the card out of the camera, pop it into my palm, and email the picture to my parents? Wouldn't that be pretty cool?

Thanks a lot for helping a newbie out!
RE #2:

I was about to recommend Skype, but it's available only on PocketPC and not on PalmOS....There's apparently a program called GPhone that does VOIP on Palms, but I'm having a lot of trouble finding the Palm version online...there're tons of links to reviews, and I can't find a working link to the actual software.

RE #4:

What are they text-messaging from? On most cellphones, at least in the US, if you program in an e-mail address, you can text message it. So if they program your e-mail address into their phone once, they should just be able to pull you up on their phone and text you. And I'm pretty sure you can just reply to that text as if it were an e-mail (as long as your reply is short).
ok i didnt know that thing about the texting! Im going to i think now get a pocket pc, the dell. (uhh) Does anyone know if that is compatible with a mac?
Glad to help re: text messaging. I just tried it to be sure, cuz it'd been a while. At least on T-Mobile, in the US, the phone has an e-mail address of the form

Where the xxx's are the 10 digit phone number, no dashes, parenthesis, etc.

If you e-mail this address, you send the e-mail body text as a txt msg. If you text an e-mail address, you will get a no subject e-mail from this address with the txt msg as the body.

So actually, if one of your friends is très tech illiterate, you should be able to e-mail their phone's e-mail address (you'll need to know how other companies format these), and then, when they receive your text, they just add the address to the existing contact for you in the phone's phonebook. :)

Okay, big warning about Windows Mobile... the compatibility between Windows Mobile 5 (what almost all current PocketPCs use) and MacOS is limited at best. There isn't currently a solution that's past the Alpha stage for syncing such a handheld with iSync. :(

(I have a Dell x51v)

I LOVE my Axim. I LOVE it. The thing is great for e-mail and web. And I keep PDF journal articles on it. :D But the only communication it has with my Macs to date is that I bluetooth over files (this works ace).
ok glad to hear you love it! Thats the one im thinking about getting.. Well what other things do you need to sync? I just could send programs via bt and the contact list isnt important to me because i dont have one lol..
Do you know about the email adress thing for verizon? I wouldnt even know what to ask lol..
The Lifedrive is slow because of the hard drive, and it gets hot and has poor battery life, It's also pretty big compared to the TX. Seeing as you can get 4GB SD cards for undrer $100, I'd say go for the TX because of it's battery life, thinness, speed, and price.
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