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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 3, 2009
Is there a reason that when I use pdanet to tether on my 3gs or my friends 3g, the backside, after 10-15 minutes, gets ridiculously hot but when i use the normal method of tethering the phone remains the standard temp?
I've noticed the same thing and I'm also curious.

Had better luck with regular tethering in general, but maybe that's just me.
Is there a reason that when I use pdanet to tether on my 3gs or my friends 3g, the backside, after 10-15 minutes, gets ridiculously hot but when i use the normal method of tethering the phone remains the standard temp?

Well ... the logic would tend to say:

PDANet uses more CPU => more heat.

But there might be other reasons. (I don't use <=> :))
The heat is coming from both the adhoc wifi network and 3G going at the same time. This is why with the AT&T tethering uses only bluetooth or USB. On Windows PDAnet via USB does not heat up the phone. But, heavy downloading over bluetooth via AT&T still drains the battery faster then then it can charge. Tethering over USB is the best way.
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