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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 4, 2003
New HAMpshire
I work in an high education Ed dept. and I have some old Quark Xpress 4.0 files that I have saved as PDF files using my new Quark 6.0 program. Now, these files are huge because they are usually used for sending to a printer for output.

However, I need to create a PDF that is small is size that I can email to prospective educators. I used Adobe Acrobat to save the large file PDF(made in Quark) as a small one, but it creates one major problem. All the pictures in my small pdf file are gone unless you view it using Adobe Acrobat reader 6.
Unfortunately many of my clients schools have to use the 5.0 reader as they are still using OS9. I have not even explored the PC problems yet, but I imagine there may be some as well on that side.

Is there a solution out there??:confused:
I know that "retro saving" has become a big issue at this point in the OS upgrade battles. We are still using Acrobat 5 on our MACs but do have Acrobat 6 on our PCs I have seen the same issue when creating high res PDFs in 6.0 and trying to view them in 5.0 on the mac. My suggestion would to be to Open Acrobat 5 in Classic and try to re-save the PDFs to a lower res version(by setting the Distiller set-up prefs to screen view), or, and I know you don't wnat to hear this, re-Distill the files to new lower res PDFs in Distiller 4.0.
Unfortunately I feel Adobe is beginning to turn their respective backs on Classic versions as well as Apple is to older OS. We made the decision not to use Acrobat 6.0 that much ntil we felt certain our client base was at the same level or were able to work in 6.0
File->Print->choose "Quartz Filters" then choose reduce file size. It may not be good enough compression, but it usually works...


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Re: Pdf Help!

Originally posted by flyfish29
I work in an high education Ed dept. and I have some old Quark Xpress 4.0 files that I have saved as PDF files using my new Quark 6.0 program. Now, these files are huge because they are usually used for sending to a printer for output.

However, I need to create a PDF that is small is size that I can email to prospective educators. I used Adobe Acrobat to save the large file PDF(made in Quark) as a small one, but it creates one major problem. All the pictures in my small pdf file are gone unless you view it using Adobe Acrobat reader 6.
Unfortunately many of my clients schools have to use the 5.0 reader as they are still using OS9. I have not even explored the PC problems yet, but I imagine there may be some as well on that side.

Is there a solution out there??:confused:
Acrobat 6 to the rescue. Go to File>Reduce File Size.... You may select among Acrobat 4, Acrobat 5, or Acrobat 6.
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