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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 29, 2007
I have a 3G and have been using Stanza to do a lot of reading on my iPhone. However, Stanza doesn't translate PDF books very well; things run together, chapters get messed up, etc.

Can someone recommend a good PDF reader for the iPhone that would allow for bookmarks, variable type sizes, etc?
To the OP, i've been using Notebooks for my PDF needs, but they don't mimic what you need so it's probably not a valid suggestion. I would however like a PDF app that allowed me to make notes on them/fill in blanks.
I have recently bought, but not tested Good Reader. I absolutely love AirSharing Pro.
I would also recommend GoodReader.

Dataviz, have, however posted a recent tweet stating that they will be adding some more advanced PDF features to their Documents To Go app, which I'm very keen to see. I use their app for document editing, Good Reader for large PDF files, and DropBox for syncing my MacBook docs folder to the cloud. I would love to see them add support for this or similar cloud storage service.

Anyways, this is what they posted a week ago:

Close to another free DocsToGo #iPhone update w/ lots of PDF goodies: go to page, pswd protection support, tap zoom, fullscreen vew, etc
Good Reader is the way to go. It has a free companion app for your desktop system that allows you to move files to and from the phone via USB.

You cannot beat it for $0.99.

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