PDFZone 3
I'm proud to introduce PDFZone 3, a great macOS app that allows you to:
- Automatically rename your PDF files based on their content
- Automatically extract your PDF files content to useful data (CSV file)
- Example 1: Suppose you want to automatically rename all your received invoices with the following format: <date>_<invoice-provider-name>_<invoice-number>, you just need PDFZone for that.
- Example 2: Suppose you want to have the total amount of your telecom invoices for the last ten years (= 120 monthly invoices). The first time, tell PDFZone where to find the total amount on such invoice, then give all your invoices (PDF) to PDFZone. The app will automatically create a CSV file. Now you just have to use the data in the software of your choice (Excel, accounting, ...). Easy!
How to use it?
- Define what you want to extract (a date, an invoice number, the amount of an invoice, ...)
- For each type of PDF, tell PDFZone where to extract (= select a zone)
- Give hundreds of PDF to PDFZone, and it will:
- Recognize the type of PDF
- Rename the PDF files based on their content (define an output format) OR extract the content to a CSV file
- PDFZone is smarter: it can now recognize dates and numbers (and of course text). This allows to transform the date to the format of your choice when renaming/exporting. Wow
, I'm quite glad to have achieved that.
- Brand new interface for defining zone: easier and faster
- Many other improvements (accuracy, performance, ...)
- Automatic PDF files renaming
- Automatic PDF files extraction
- Smart: with the "Trusted Neighbour" functionality, you can also extract values that might not always be at the same position (ex: the total of an invoice which position is below the items, whose number might vary from one invoice to another)
- Smart: adapts to variations when the PDF has been scanned
- Command-Line Interface for integration with other softwares
- Dark Mode support
- TouchBar support