I can answer to both here:
I've had an Apple Pencil since they first came out--used it with my 9.7" Pro and now use it with my 10.5" Pro. I use it mostly for note taking, but also some sketching here and there. I'm still on my original tip from 2 years ago when I bought it--the spare it came with is still in the carrying case I keep the Pencil in and will probably never get used. I have dropped it a couple of times and it was not damaged or broken. A charge to 100% still lasts me a REALLY long time. It's just a joy to use--I really like it.
My son has an iPad Air 2 and is a pretty great artist. He loves messing around with cartooning and stuff like that. I got him a Pencil by 53 to use with his Air 2--he uses it with Paper by 53 and some other apps. Or I should say he USED to use it. The nibs on the end of the Pencil by 53 are really mushy, and he's already worn out both of the ones it came with A 2 pack of replacement nibs is ridiculously expensive for what they are and what they're made out of. Just not very durable at all, and if he didn't have a tempered glass protector on his Air 2, he would have probably put some decent scratches in his screen. Once you wear through one of the tips, a pretty sharp metal rod starts poking through.
I just really don't like the Pencil by 53 at all--it would be a lot better if the main failure point were more durable.