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Agent OrangeZ

macrumors 68040
Original poster
Mar 17, 2010
Planet Earth
Serious question... I am not trying to start an argument or troll.

I have had every iPhone model at launch. I have also tried several Android phones over the years too. Apple has always managed a way to reel me back in.

I sold my 4S last month and tried an unlocked Galaxy Nexus (Play Store) and then moved over to an AT&T Galaxy S3. I am currently in a 30 day trial... so if Apple wows me on Sept 12, I will have time to cancel this contract and return the GS3.

I have read many complaints on these boards. Some about iPhone leaked design. Some about iOS6.

Many people want a larger and wider screen... not just taller.
Some are also asking for a redesign of the OS. Better notification system. Widgets. Settings shortcuts. True multitasking. LTE 4G. NFC. Loss of Google Maps and Youtube.

Android has something to please many of these wishes. Why don't you try it on for size. Many have these complaints of Apple's lack of change... but you all still buy what Apple delivers. Why not vote with your wallet?

Here are some screens from my GS3:



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macrumors 6502a
Jun 5, 2012
No good android options.

S III - AMOLED screen burn in, dog**** color choice (white or blue)

One X - Old 45nm process, sealed in battery (bad for an Android phone)

Only real option spec wise would be the LG Optimus G but that's not even out yet.
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Orange Furball

macrumors 65816
May 18, 2012
Scranton, PA, USA
Why not Windows Phone too?

People like to stick in a certain ecosystem. If you have a Mac and an iPad for example, you would want to keep an iPhone too.

I run and android tab + phone with my Mac running OS X and windows. It works for me and I have a lot invested in apps. If I had to switch to iOS for some reason I would be screwed.


macrumors member
Jul 31, 2012
India, New delhi
keep in mind, apple has always had a more clean, sleek, industrial look to all of their designs. they aren't trying to design the next toy for star trek or anything. They choose simple and elegant over ridiculous screen sizes and goddy details. Personally I like the look of the next iphone, not quite what I was expecting either, but I didn't know what to expect in the first place.


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2011
I will vote with my wallet. If the iPhone gets bigger, I won't buy one. My 4S will still work just fine.


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2010
No good android options.

S III - AMOLED screen burn in, dog**** color choice (white or blue)

One X - Old 45nm process, sealed in battery (bad for an Android phone)

Only real option spec wise would be the LG Optimus G but that's not even out yet.

No, the one x has a snap dragon s4, which is 28nm. And it actually gets good battery life.


macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2010
Personally, I made the switch soon after the design was leaked.

Other people who are disappointed in the design but aren't switching are either:

  1. People who are too invested into the iOS "ecosystem"
  2. People who have never used any other smartphone and don't like change
  3. People who would make the change but can't think for themselves so they let other iOS users scare them away from switching.
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macrumors 65816
Oct 7, 2004
Raleigh, NC
I did switch because I did not like what I saw in the leaks and thus far I'm not regretting it at all and absolutely love my One x.

But, and this is to the OP.
If you think those screenshots will make anyone switch you are mistaken.
I mean no offense but that setup and color combo is beyond ugly, sorry.


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2011
When would you buy when then?

If they stayed with a larger phone design for a few more years I would probably end up being forced into it, but I would not be happy. My investment in iOS infrastructure is such that I'm not likely to go Android in any case.


macrumors 68040
Jan 10, 2007
Based on the leaked photos I am looking to move from the iPhone 4 to the Galaxy S3.

Two questions...

First, just how confident is everyone that these leaked photos of a taller (but not wider) phone is the real deal? I mean, what are the chances that Apple is going to pull a rabbit out of their hat on September 12th and introduce an iPhone that is going to knock everyone's socks off?

Remember the Foxconn CEO who said that the iPhone 5 is going to put the Galaxy S4 to shame? It could have been propaganda...but how about if it ends up being true? I mean, all these leaks could be controlled.

Second question...

For those of you that have left the Apple ecosystem and switched over to Android, how do you like it?

I am on the edge of switching, but probably will wait until September 12 to do so.


macrumors 601
Jan 11, 2012
Pacific Coast, USA
Android is an excellent choice.

Windows Phone is looking better by the day.

If just a small portion of those who are tired of the iPhone switch, it will slowly shift the balance of power.

It's important to remember than when one person leaves the iOS platform and stays with their new choice, family & friends are the first to know. If they are also rather bored or unhappy with their iPhones, then they're more likely to switch as well.

It's very easy to use Apples overwhelming sales to suggest that switchers will come running back, but it's not always true. If it were, Apple would not have gone after Samsung with such a vengeance.

Nor did Apple have 100% of the public behind them. To prove this point, all one has to do right now, is read the mainstream news with it's reports from those who dislike how Apple handled itself.

Sooner or later a shift of power may occur. It could be years, or it may not. Buyers can be fickle. Only time & how Apple performs will be the defining factor.


Based on the leaked photos I am looking to move from the iPhone 4 to the Galaxy S3.

Two questions...

First, just how confident is everyone that these leaked photos of a taller (but not wider) phone is the real deal?

Second question...

For those of you that have left the Apple ecosystem and switched over to Android, how do you like it?

1) It's all rumors, yet this time it's quite possibly real.

2) I hate to admit it but my Galaxy S III is by far the best of over 20 + smartphones I've owned.

I wish that I could look forward to the new iPhone with such enthusiasm, but chances of a last minute surprise are next to Zero. Now having used Androids concurrently with my iPhones, I'm spoiled and that's why I complain so loudly about Apple's stubborn refusal to use a modern spacious display.

Those who claim it makes the phone too big are grasping at straws.

It's as simple as that :)


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2010
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
Based on the leaked photos I am looking to move from the iPhone 4 to the Galaxy S3.

Two questions...

First, just how confident is everyone that these leaked photos of a taller (but not wider) phone is the real deal? I mean, what are the chances that Apple is going to pull a rabbit out of their hat on September 12th and introduce an iPhone that is going to knock everyone's socks off?

Remember the Foxconn CEO who said that the iPhone 5 is going to put the Galaxy S4 to shame? It could have been propaganda...but how about if it ends up being true? I mean, all these leaks could be controlled.

Second question...

For those of you that have left the Apple ecosystem and switched over to Android, how do you like it?

I am on the edge of switching, but probably will wait until September 12 to do so.

I would love Apple to have fooled us all and released these "fake" photos then have a whole new design rather than the same phone 2 years in a row. But there are just too many leaks and we are too close to the announcement now for me to even dream that. Seems likely this will be the new iPhone.

As far as moving to Android, the beauty is that you can make your phone however you want it to be. If you don't like anything that comes with the phone there's always an app you can download to alter it to how you like. If you think you will miss the plain row of icons on the homepage then just do that. You don't need to add all the bells and whistles but it's nice to have that choice.

I moved to the S3 about a month ago after having every iPhone and I have no regrets. Still finding new things on the phone which I love and Jelly Bean will be coming soon so I can't wait! :D


macrumors 65832
Aug 17, 2011
Personally, I made the switch soon after the design was leaked.

Other people who are disappointed in the design but aren't switching are either:

  1. People who are too invested into the iOS "ecosystem"
  2. People who have never used any other smartphone and don't like change
  3. People who would make the change but can't think for themselves so they let other iOS scare them away from switching.

Aren't switching....:

Because of the form factor (Not too wide). Just right.

Because of the clean lines, and the mature look.

Staying with the iPhone because we really do know how to think for our selves, and not just rush into another OS..

Have tried a larger Android phone and really did not like it.

Stayed with the iphone because of its solid feel, not plastic


macrumors 6502a
Dec 22, 2011
If they stayed with a larger phone design for a few more years I would probably end up being forced into it, but I would not be happy. My investment in iOS infrastructure is such that I'm not likely to go Android in any case.

how about limiting the damage? lol

This is why I always have 1 foot out of the water. The way products and services are made today is in such a way to suck you in and keep you there. No thanks, I don't like that. I'll spend as much as I am willing to lose (in the ecosystem).

The good thing about google is that they have a 'better' mentally, not the best but better in the sense that they offer their services in WP and iOS.


macrumors regular
May 19, 2012
I don't hate the leaked design, but I'm not a fan of it either.

But the reason I won't go Android is because I just don't like the eco-system and the UI. I'll go with a Windows Phone, but not Android.
Just no. It's my personal preference.


macrumors 68040
Jan 10, 2007
Is there any predicated timeframe for the release of the Galaxy S3 Plus?

I take it that phone is basically the same size but just faster hardware?
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