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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 14, 2004
Saint Louis, MO
So I just ordered Mac Pro, but I'm considering exchanging it for a macbook pro.

I will be living with two roomates. We will have a TV.

I originally got a mac pro because I will be doing film (i'm a freshmen). I'm starting to have second thoughts on whether I'll be able to get anything done in my room. I have a feeling a lot more people than just us will be in our room.

So, I ask this question: do you recommend exchanging it for a macbook pro, or do you think it's feasible to keep a desktop?

Oh...and I was hoping this computer would last me 4 years....
If you need a computer to take around with you to the library/classes etc I'd say get a Macbook Pro. I'm sure its more than enough and much more portable.
I'd go with the Macbook Pro myself. You're not going to be doing intensive Avid or Final Cut Pro editing until well into your major and by then you should have university workstations to work on, or else you'll be in a single or off-campus, where you can edit to your heart's content.

With the MBP you can do most video work perfectly well, and you can find a quiet spot to edit without your hippie roomie doing bong rips and jamming out to the latest Phish anthem.
SwitchingSoon said:
So I just ordered Mac Pro, but I'm considering exchanging it for a macbook pro.

I will be living with two roomates. We will have a TV.

I originally got a mac pro because I will be doing film (i'm a freshmen). I'm starting to have second thoughts on whether I'll be able to get anything done in my room. I have a feeling a lot more people than just us will be in our room.

So, I ask this question: do you recommend exchanging it for a macbook pro, or do you think it's feasible to keep a desktop?

Oh...and I was hoping this computer would last me 4 years....

Doing film? Get a Mac Pro and tell any interlopers to F.O.Q. You'll need the grunt and expansion abilities for rendering and all that fancy stuff.

It's your room, you do what you want. If someone is distracting you, tell them to bugger off.
2 for MBP, one for MP.

Will the macbook pro last me 4 years?

Oh, and I guess I should mention I already ordered the mac pro....However, if I don't open the box I can exchange it.

It should be coming in tomorrow.
Mac pro, tottally. I had a PB in my dorm room, along with an external display, and I almost never left with the PB. There are a lot of concerns with changing your order to the mpb, loss of processing power as well as expandability, which will become a huge factor in 2-3 years, if not sooner. You'll be happy when the time comes that you got the Mac pro. Unless you want to show off your mpb when sitting in a lounge area or something to some of the coeds.....
I think the main issue is if he needs the portability or not. If you need to go work in the library or in class then go MBP if not then Mac Pro is fine
good thread, i too am thinking about getting a mac pro the only thing that's holding me back is the size. I plan on messing around with FCS a little bit. I have a laptop but i want a desktop because i'm sick of having to deal with an external hard drive for my files.... i was thinking an iMac but i wanted an update at WWDC but it didn't happen.
Now a days portability is not a must anymore because there are alot of computer labs throughout campus. However if you plan on taking notes on your laptop, then you probably want to get the macbook.

In my opinion I think are you looking at the situation at the wrong way. Both systems will do fine in what you need to do on it. Of course the Mac Pro is definitely far better, but the MacBook Pro will also chug along just fine. What you should be considering is HOW MUCH ROOM you have. Will you have enough room to fit a big rig and a monitor? A dorm with three people sounds a bit cramped.
wako said:
Now a days portability is not a must anymore because there are alot of computer labs throughout campus. However if you plan on taking notes on your laptop, then you probably want to get the macbook.

In my opinion I think are you looking at the situation at the wrong way. Both systems will do fine in what you need to do on it. Of course the Mac Pro is definitely far better, but the MacBook Pro will also chug along just fine. What you should be considering is HOW MUCH ROOM you have. Will you have enough room to fit a big rig and a monitor? A dorm with three people sounds a bit cramped.

They are factors to consider as well personally I'd go the MBP but its ultimately up to you :) and offtopic wako I LOVE your sig
SwitchingSoon said:
So I just ordered Mac Pro, but I'm considering exchanging it for a macbook pro.

I will be living with two roomates. We will have a TV.

I originally got a mac pro because I will be doing film (i'm a freshmen). I'm starting to have second thoughts on whether I'll be able to get anything done in my room. I have a feeling a lot more people than just us will be in our room.

So, I ask this question: do you recommend exchanging it for a macbook pro, or do you think it's feasible to keep a desktop?

Oh...and I was hoping this computer would last me 4 years....

Seriously, keep the Mac Pro and get yourself a used iBook. I can't imagine trying to do video editing in a library just to get away from your roommates... More likely, you'd end up using your laptop to take notes in class (OmniOutliner is amazing for that). Yeah, go with a used iBook, and keep the Mac Pro for the real work.
x86isslow said:
Seriously, keep the Mac Pro and get yourself a used iBook. I can't imagine trying to do video editing in a library just to get away from your roommates... More likely, you'd end up using your laptop to take notes in class (OmniOutliner is amazing for that). Yeah, go with a used iBook, and keep the Mac Pro for the real work.

Sounds like a plan... make me poor(er)

maybe i can find a cheap laptop online...
After hearing so many horror stories of stolen laptops, I'd definitely stick w/ the MacPro. Besides, I'm more partial to desktops anyhow. :p G' luck w/ whichever machine you end up with.
x86isslow said:
Seriously, keep the Mac Pro and get yourself a used iBook. I can't imagine trying to do video editing in a library just to get away from your roommates... More likely, you'd end up using your laptop to take notes in class (OmniOutliner is amazing for that). Yeah, go with a used iBook, and keep the Mac Pro for the real work.

I completely agree. A good desktop + a serviceable laptop is a winning combination. Also, having 2 separate systems rather than one is a great idea. If the tower pukes, you can still limp along on the iBook until you get the tower fixed. If the iBook pukes, you can still use the tower. You can back files up on eachother so that the loss of one doesn't screw you when burning the midnight oil on a term paper due the next day.
devilot said:
After hearing so many horror stories of stolen laptops, I'd definitely stick w/ the MacPro.

Having been a dorming student, and having wasted a year of my life doing college IT work, I think this is right on. Laptops bring headaches -- theft, ease of damage, etc. College is wonderful -- but as many things as you do, things happen to you. That means things will happen to your laptop as well (spills, falls, crushed bags, etc.). Stick with the desktop. If it's too much work to take notes on paper and transfer them to your desktop (though I'd call that studying!), pick up an oldschool clamshell running OS X. You should be able to take notes in Open Office just fine.

If you do get the desktop, keep in mind that you're still not theft proof. It's just as easy for someone to pop open your machine and grab your RAM as it is for you to upgrade it. During my year in IT we had someone steal a whole bunch of RAM from our PowerMac lab. :mad:
I would go MacBook Pro.
The reason being is that room mates get annoying. I found that out first year with a desktop. Sometimes I just wanted to leave with my work and computer and go somewhere else. But I couldnt since I had a desktop.
Now that I will have my Macbook (hopefully FedEx Delivers it tommorrow) I can do just that. Go somewhere else to escape my room mates and noise.
And just to clarify, im not by any means a study freak. I just want to study with peace and quiet without distractions sometimes.

Also as for the theft issue... im getting a notebook lock. ;)
You'll want to take notes and surf the internet while grabbing a bite to eat after classes.

Laptop without a doubt.
At my college I rarely see too many people have laptops in class except a few including me. There are however tons of people with laptops in the library which is amazingly useful. I had a desktop my freshman year, but switched to a powerbook because I really wanted portability. I bought an external screen, but it was a pain to hook up everything and disconnect it. So if that's your goal, get a bookendz dock to go with it. I vote MBP!
I think it depends on your personality. I've always had laptops and could not imagine going back to using a desktop (when I used my parent's computer before I had my own). I enjoy being able to easily transport the computer, and it has been invaluable on trips.

Also, as mentioned, there are some other considerations, such as space in the dorm room. I know some have mentioned theft, etc, and that will all depend on your roomate. If they leave the door unlocked/always have people over, etc, the risk will be higher. But if you keep the laptop chained up, keep the door locked, etc, you will probably be ok. The Laptop has the advantage of letting YOU take the machine out of the room if you feel it is at risk due to other students can get rambunctious sometimes...

When I was in college, I never took notes or used the laptop in class. I prefer paper. But I did take the machine to other places, the library, etc, when I needed to work on a group project or study. That kind of flexibility was invaluable.

Bottom Line: You've already ordered the Mac Pro. If you start using it, it will probably be hard to give it up in favor of a MBP...The choice is ultimately going to have to be yours.
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