I would like to see this year's final report on market share for just this year in sales.
I have a feeling that the numbers might surprise a lot of people.
It will also be interesting to see how things turn out when CIO's are faced with
a decision to go with Vista or if they'll select something that is known to be secure.
How much will they want to spend on new hardware, new software, licensing & training.
How many new computers could they buy for their company if they could reduce
IT staffing?
It's kinda funny too because these very important decison makers also have kids
with iPods and Macs who are having very little trouble with their systems.
I must admit that Apple still needs to put together a streamlined, very basic
iMac data entry desktop if they ever hope to take on enterprise, but they could
if they want to.
They also need to add MS Access and Project to the Office for Mac suite,
IF Microsoft will let them.
Now that Googles CEO is on the Apple board, we might be looking at a new
improved browser/search engine and possibly a complete iWork Office Suite.
It's going to be a very interesting 2007